week3 reflection

Task 1: Discover and define

What is the main issue to solve? 

To help people understand ancient characters in depth, Oracle Bone Inscriptions for example.

What is the key area to focus upon? 

Literature, linguistics, pedagogy, optics, etc.

What is the requirement(s) that has not been fulfilled by existing designs?

(1) Such science popularization products have not yet appeared or been popularized in the market. People need such a platform to satisfy their curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for learning ancient characters.

(2) Today's language learning platforms have a single mode of interaction, such as English learning platforms. A more interactive, innovative and fun way to learn text might be more effective




Academic Research: 

  1. There are significant differences in the way pictographic and ideographic characters are remembered presented by Dhanush, hoda, and Jerry(2022).
  2. Another article written by Zhang and Wang(2011) proves that the human brain can remember faster with the aid of images.
  3. An EAP teacher confirmed the correctness of our conclusions.


  • Zhang, J., & Wang, H. (2011). The effects of orthographic depth on learning to read Chinese and English: Insights from cognitive neuroscience. Reading and Writing, 24(7), 717-732.
  • Dhanush kumar Ratakonda, Hoda Mehrpouyan, Jerry Alan Fails, “Pictures are easier to remember than spellings!”: Designing and evaluating KidsPic — A graphical image-based authentication mechanism, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Volume 33, 2022, 100515, ISSN 2212-8689, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcci.2022.100515.

Task 2: Usability criteria

  • Effectiveness

    Our design allows users to understand and learn about Oracle in a simple and direct way, and we will simplify the operation complexity of users to the greatest extent.

  • Efficiency

    Through the skilled use of our software, users will have a better understanding of Oracle and its related knowledge, which can help users to complete the study of Oracle in a fast and efficient way.

  • Safety

    Users can create their own accounts, and all the learning history and learning progress will be persisted and backed up regularly by the software, ensuring that the user data is still intact in the case of a software crash or other extreme circumstances.

  • Utility

    Users can set their own learning schedule through the software to plan their own Oracle learning progress. The software will remind users regularly according to the user schedule, so as to help users complete their learning tasks.

  • Learnability

    The software will provide various prompts and tutorial demonstrations to help users quickly understand the use of the basic functions of the software when they use it for the first time. The software will be designed according to the most commonly used templates in modern times to ensure that users can still use the core functions of the software when they forget the tutorial.

  • Memorability

    The software provides a tutorial page, and users can view the tutorial page at any time to recall how to use the software, and the software will also simplify the difficulty of users to the greatest extent to reduce the possibility or frequency of users viewing the tutorial.

Task 3: Atomic requirement shells

atomic shell1.jpg

atomic shell2.jpg

atomic shell3.jpg

atomic shell4.jpg.1

atomic shell5.jpg.1

Task 4: User Stories

(1) As a user, I want to change the displayed objects in the right direction or position so that I can find out the original and structure of that ancient character.

(2) As a user, I want to interact with the software in VR, so that I can have a more realistic learning experience.

(3) As a user, I want to interact with the software on a PC or mobile phone, so that it is more convenient to access it.

(4) As a developer, I want to add a new scenario or change the original situation of an object so that the debugging or updating work might be more efficient.

(5) ...

Task 5: Persona

(1) Erick Purwanto: A middle-aged, foreign professor teaching in China, interested in ancient languages, Oracle Bone Inscriptions especially. But have no or less knowledge of Chinese culture.


(2) Yue Li: A Chinese youngster who certainly has a partial understanding of Chinese culture and an interest in learning and exploring ancient characters.

Task 6: Scenario

Erick Purwanto is a foreign professor who teaches in China. He wanted to understand the Chinese oracle bone inscriptions culture, and he used our software after a student recommended him. After Erick downloaded and opened the software, he followed the tutorial and quickly learned the core usage of the software. In addition, Erick set his own learning plan to study for one hour every Saturday morning at 10 o 'clock. The software would periodically alert Erick at this time. The software was very easy to use. Even though Erick only had an hour to learn it per week, after a few weeks of learning, he had a rich understanding of the Oracle culture and knew most of the common Oracle scripts, which made Erick highly praise the software.


Based on the content learned in the Lecture and the analysis of target users, we have preliminarily established our solution's Usability goals, we need to consider the product's:

  1. Effective to use (effectiveness) – how good it is
  2. Efficient to use (efficiency) – how easy / fast it is
  3. Safe to use (safety)
  4. Have good utility (utility)
  5. Easy to learn (learnability)
  6. Easy to remember how to use (memorability)

There are also User experience goals, and both desirable and undesirable aspects of the user experience need to be fully considered.

In subsequent designs, issues such as accessibility and inclusivity, as well as care for people with disabilities, need to be fully considered, although these aspects can be temporarily shelved in early design.


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