Week5/Week6- Reflection

This week, we will deploy the presentation for the prototype, summarize and further improve all the work we have done so far, including investigation and learning (user learning, paper reading, interviews with relevant people), establish key features of the platform (light and shadow puzzle solving, virtual scenes), further enrich and organize the content of the reflection in the previous few weeks, and compile it into a phased summary of the project.

We summarize and plan our current design work based on the double diamond model proposed by the British Design Council in 2005.

1. Diamond One - Design the right thing
We have already conducted (Discover/Research), which includes information collection and divergent thinking. We have investigated user needs and identified the current shortage of related learning software in the market and the lack of user immersion. At the same time, they often have singular interactivity and overemphasize the practicality of learning. Although this is a good design, products that meet our educational and entertainment theme are relatively rare.
We conducted (Define/Thesis) on the identified issues, which involves considering and summarizing the divergent issues in the first stage, screening effective information to identify key issues. Define the problem as satisfying more user experience goals, such as Satisfying, Challenging, and Entertainment
2. Diamond II - Design things right
At (Develop/Ideation) stage, we will look for potential solutions based on the previous data foundation. To address the issue of singular interactivity, we plan to adopt interactive virtual reality scenarios to enhance user immersion. At the same time, our literature research found that using such graphical scenes to learn pictographic scripts (such as Chinese) has "inherent advantages" (go through week 3 reflection for details). At the same time, we introduce the design of light and shadow decryption, which can enable interactive VR scenes to create greater value while enhancing user immersion. In addition, we will introduce gamification, including achievement systems to implement the topic of Education and Entertainment.

In the (Deliver/Implementation) phase, we plan to iteratively develop prototype demos with higher fidelity based on the existing low-fidelity prototypes.

By implementing these novel design solutions, the platform will provide an engaging, immersive, and effective learning experience that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its users. 


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