Week7 - Reflection

During this week's study, we delved deeper into the concept of fidelity in prototyping. We explored the five dimensions of prototyping, which are visual, interaction, breadth, depth, and content. These dimensions are crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of a prototype.


Understanding the various dimensions of prototyping is essential in developing prototypes that accurately represent the final product. Visual fidelity involves creating a prototype that looks like the final product, while interaction fidelity focuses on creating a prototype that mimics the final product's functionality. Breadth fidelity pertains to the breadth of scenarios and use cases the prototype can handle, while depth fidelity concerns the level of detail included in the prototype. Lastly, content fidelity deals with the accuracy of the information included in the prototype.

By considering each of these dimensions, we can create prototypes that are more effective in testing and refining our ideas. It's important to note that the level of fidelity required in a prototype depends on the stage of the design process and the specific goals of the prototype. Therefore, understanding these dimensions is crucial in creating prototypes that align with our objectives.

Based on the knowledge of the lecture, we prompt a concrete design that considers more detailed issues of designing the interface. The main aspects are shown below:

  1. The design style should be classic and minimalistic instead of commercial.
  2. Design a set of widgets to enrich the user interface and menu.
  3. Determine the type of prototype and divide our prototype into more detailed components. (Go through <Prototype Iteration> block to access more details)




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