
Y-Team is an international and multidisciplinary consortium with partners in China and the US, and team members from nine different nationalities. Academic specialties in the different institutions include Architecture, Civil, Environmental and Electrical Engineering, Industrial Design, Sciences, Business, Media and Communication.


主要联系人 | Key contacts

Dr Marco Cimillo, Faculty lead and contact person at XJTLU, Marco.Cimillo@xjtlu.edu.cn

Marco Cimillo 博士, 教职工负责人及西交利物浦大学大学联络人:Marco.Cimillo@xjtlu.edu.cn


Ms Xi Chen, Student team manager and Chinese-speaking contact at XJTLU, Xi.Chen1704@xjtlu.edu.cn 



Dr Ellen Touchstone, Sponsorship Lead, Ellen.Touchstone@xjtlu.edu.cn  

Ellen Touchstone博士,赞助负责人:Ellen.Touchstone@xjtlu.edu.cn  


Dr Cristoforo Demartino, contact person at ZJUI,cristoforodemartino@intl.zju.edu.cn

Cristoforo博士,浙江大学/伊利诺大学香槟分校联络 , cristoforodemartino@intl.zju.edu.cn


Dr Kihong Ku, contact person at TJU, Kihong.Ku@jeffersonl.edu

Kihong Ku博士,托马斯杰斐逊大学联络人: Kihong.Ku@jeffersonl.edu


Ms Kewei Liu, contact person at INBAR, Kwliu@inbar.int


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