Welcome to my D3 Portfolio, which shows how my practice aligns with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and forms my application for a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
This first page provides an overview of my personal details, qualifications and career milestones, and provides some links to other areas of my 'digital footprint'.
Personal Details
Name: Henk Huijser
Address: c/o Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
111 Re'nai Road, Suzhou Dushu Lake Higher Education Town
Room 1160, Central Building
Jiangsu Province, PR China, 215123
Organisation: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Academic Enhancement Centre
Work Phone No.: +86 512 81883284
Mobile No.: +86 13771727814
Email: henk.huijser@xjtlu.edu.cn
Current role: Educational Developer
Tertiary Qualifications
2010 - 2011 Bahrain Polytechnic (Kingdom of Bahrain), Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning (CTTL)
2007 - 2008 University of Southern Queensland (Australia), Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning (GradCertTertT&L)
2006 University of Wollongong (Australia)/University of Missouri (Kansas, USA), Peer Asssisted Study Sessions (PASS)/Supplemental Instruction (SI) Supervisor Accreditation Certificate
1999 - 2002 University of Waikato (New Zealand), PhD in Screen & Media Studies
2000 University of Auckland (New Zealand), Tutor Training Certificate
1998 University of Waikato (New Zealand), Bachelor of Arts with Honours (First Class) in Screen & Media Studies
1993 - 1997 University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)/Victoria University (New Zealand), Bachelor of Arts in Film & Theatre Studies
Digital Footprint
The following sites provide an overview of learning and teaching-related practice, scholarship and research activities:
Henk Huijser
Career Milestones
2016 - 2017 Publication of the book Problem-based Learning into the Future: Imagining an Agile PBL Ecology for Learning (co-authored with Megan Yih Chyn A. Kek, with a Foreword by Ron Barnett; published by Springer)
2016 - 2017 Co-recipient (with three XJTLU colleagues) of a Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Research and Evaluation Small Grant for a project entitled Implementing and evaluating a Communities of Practice model to align diverse learning and teaching styles in a transnational university
2016 - 2017 Co-recipient (with a colleague) of XJTLU Teaching Development Funding for a project entitled Marking Mate Extension
2015 Co-recipient of the ASCILITE Conference 2015 Best Paper Award
2015 Publication of the book Myths in Education, Learning and Teaching: Policies, Practices and Principles (Co-edited with Marcus Harmes and Patrick Danaher, published by Routledge)
2015 Publication of the book Finding Common Ground: Narratives, Provocations and Reflections from the 40 Year Celebration of Batchelor Institute (Co-edited with Sandy O'Sullivan, Robyn Ober, Eva McRae-Williams, and Ruth Elvin, published by Batchelor Press)
2013 - 2015 Co-recipient of an Australian Office for Learning and Teaching Grant (AU$319,200) for a project entitled Learning Analytics: Assisting Universities with Student Retention
2014 - 2015 Coordinator Higher Degrees by Research/ Director Graduate School, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (Australia)
2014 - 2015 Reviewer, British Journal of Educational Technology
2013 Exceptional Performance in Research, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Staff Awards
2013 - present Invited member of the College of Reviewers, Higher Education Research & Development
2012 - 2015 Senior Lecturer Flexible Learning and Innovation, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
2012 - present Associated Editor, Journal of Peer Learning
2012 - 2013 Co-recipient of Australian National VET (Vocational Education and Training) E-Learning Strategy, E-Learning for Participation and Skills funding (AU$ 45,000) for a project entitled Expanding DigiLink though Mobile Social Media
2012 Assessor, Australian Office for Learning and Teaching National Citations for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
2010 - 2012 Curriculum Developer/ Problem-based Learning Implementation Project Leader, Bahrain Polytechnic (Kingdom of Bahrain)
2008 - 2010 Co-recipient of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Project entitled Preparation of Academics for Teaching in Higher Education (PATHE) - Resources Sub-project
2008 - 2009 Member of the Organising Committee/ Co-editor Conference Proceedings, Enabling Pathways: The 3rd National Conference of Enabling Educators
2009 - 2010 Leading a Research and Scholarship Community of Practice, Learning & Teaching Support Unit, University of Southern Queensland
2005 - 2010 Lecturer Learning Enhancement (Communication), University of Southern Queensland (Australia)
2003 - 2005 Associate Lecturer/ Unit Coordinator, Media & Communication, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
2000 - 2002 Associate Lecturer/ Tutor/ Unit Coordinator, Film, TV & Media Studies, University of Auckland (New Zealand)