Mahara assignment issue

We have installed the Mahara assignment plugin on Moodle3.1 in 2016 and it was working fine.

But after we've upgrade the Mahara to Mahara 16.10.1 recently, we found the problem as below:

When the students try to add a Mahara submission, after they click the "add submission" button, it is always saying:

You have no available Mahara pages or collections. Please click here to visit "Mahara" and create a new one. See below screenshot:

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 16.36.28.png.1

But the students do have a lot pages which are just created, haven't submitted to any other assignments yet.

Students can login to Mahara through Moodle. So the SSO is working fine.

Following is the screenshots about our settings:

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 15.59.35.png.1

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 16.00.02.png.1

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 16.00.12.png


30 March 2017, 2:00 PM
30 March 2017, 2:00 PM
19 April 2017, 11:24 AM
Moodle has good software

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