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questions about inserting an figure label

Zhongzheng Mao's profile picture
Posts: 8

25 February 2022, 4:27 PM

Dear Dr. Zhao,

  I have tried many times to insert a figure label following the instructions in the video, like 'suggested by William Sealy Gosset (Figure \@ref(fig:gosset))', but it doesn't work.  I have no idea where I made the mistake. The screenshots are attached.


Thank you very much.

Zhongzheng Mao's profile picture
Posts: 8

25 February 2022, 5:33 PM

I have another problem. I find that the image cannot be loaded by the given code from 'essay_demo', it is just blank. I also have tried many times and my friends could load successfully...

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

25 February 2022, 7:08 PM

Again, your screenshot (something about a table) is totally different from your description of an image. Please rephrase your question.

If it has nothing to do with the question above, please open a new post with a new title.

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

25 February 2022, 7:05 PM

Please remove "Dear Dr. Zhao," from your post so that other people can also help you. This is a public forum. Your post is not a personal email.

Your description is inconsistent with your screenshots. You mentioned "Figure \@ref(fig:gosset)", which I cannot find in your screenshots.

From your screenshots, I see "Figure\@ref(fig:Exercise1)", where Exercise1 must be the same label as the label of the chunk. But your chunk label is Exercise. I guess this inconsistency might be the problem.

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