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Question about the structure of the assignment.

Huanzhi Gong's profile picture
Posts: 11

06 April 2022, 11:16 PM

During my previous study, the standard structure of a report is: Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion-Conclusion-Reference. However, the structure in handout seems combine the methods, results and discussion parts into one data analysis part. I do not know which formate I should follow. 

To ask this question in another way: Can we write the data analysis part step by step? It means I introduce the code for one step (e.g.: generate the scatter plots), then show the results of this step and discuss them. After that, I conduct another step like this. If not, does it mean I should write the methods, results and discussion separately? 

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

07 April 2022, 10:21 AM

Sure, you can write the data analysis part step by step.  As there is no requirement about the structure within the data analysis part, you have the flexibility and freedom to organize your analysis in the best way you prefer.

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