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How to add a linkage in paragraph that point to another part of the report
Posts: 12
08 April 2022, 12:14 AM
My propose is to add an in page links (e.g. click the yearth and author then it will turn to the exact place in the "Reference part").
Does anyone know the code that can accomplish it in rmarkdown? It will be appreciated.
Posts: 128
08 April 2022, 8:53 AM
You do not have to do this for your assignment and essay. Just add this to the header of the R Markdown document:
link-citations: true
The header could look like this:
title: "One-sample t test"
subtitle: "Word count: 1047"
author: "1234567"
numbersections: true
toc: false
bibliography: bib-library.bib
link-citations: true
csl: elsevier-harvard.csl
bookdown::pdf_document2: default
bookdown::word_document2: default
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Peng Zhao - 08 April 2022, 9:39 AM
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