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22 November 2022, 8:45 PM
roles = readLines("ENVpractice/人物别称.txt")
txt = readLines("ENVpractice/倚天屠龙记.txt")
roles1 = paste0("(", gsub(" ", ")|(", roles), ")")
roles_l = strsplit(roles, " ") # 总结每个人的不同称呼
role_para = sapply(roles1, grepl, txt)
colnames(role_para) = sapply(roles_l, function(x) x[1])
role_count = data.frame(role = factor(colnames(role_para),
levels = colnames(role_para[order(colSums(role_para), decreasing = TRUE)])),
count = colSums(role_para))
ggplot(role_count, aes(x = role, y = count, fill = role)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.75) +
theme(axis.text=element_text(size=20, angle = 90),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-1),
plot.title = element_text(size=20,face='plain',hjust = 0.5),
panel.grid = element_blank())
22 November 2022, 9:46 PM
Please describe your issue in the post, so that everyone could understand it.
Did you upload an irrelevant file?
BTW, in English.
22 November 2022, 10:26 PM
my problem is R report an error:Error: Must request at least one colour from a hue palette. And then I try to run the role_count that the environment of all the role show NA ( I don't know why).
Run successfully but my box plot cannot be sorted by frequency just as I predicted.
And these two files are my txt used in text analysis.
23 November 2022, 12:59 PM
Because in this step
colnames(role_para) = sapply(roles_l, function(x) x[1])
you did not set what function(x) x[1] is, the colnames(role_para) will be full of NA. Then in this step
role_count = data.frame(role = factor(colnames(role_para),
you set role_count$role=factor(colnames(role_para)), then role_count$role will definately be full of NA.
23 November 2022, 6:00 PM
You mentioned 人物别称.txt in your script, but I can't find it in your attachments.