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Student seminar: Nitrogen Cycling Across Soil-Water Interface: N2O Emission, Yujia Cai, 2023-4-19

Xueqing He's profile picture
Posts: 31

14 April 2023, 4:12 PM

Speaker: Yujia Cai (PhD student)

Date: 2023-4-19
Room: ES354

Join Tencent Meeting

Meeting ID: 307-1339-4734

Title: Nitrogen Cycling Across Soil-Water Interface: N2O Emission


Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for all life and exists in multiple oxidation states from -3 to +5. Among those, nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas and ozone depleter, has remained a hot topic in N cycling research: particularly, the relative contributions of nitrifiers and denitrifiers. Also recent studies emphasize the contribution of abiotic process. The wetland soil system, where redox gradient prevails across the soil-water interface, plays an important role in ecosystem functioning and global climate chage regulation. However, the N dynamic and N2O emission in such environments is much less studied compared with carbon (C) dynamic and methane (CH4) flux. Thus we proposed this research to decipher the contribution of the microbial N functional groups and abiotic process to N2O emission across the soil-water interface.

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