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Study on the Atmospheric Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen and Impacts on the Ecosystem. Dr. Jiani Tan, 2024-10-30

Liwen Wu's profile picture
Posts: 15

24 October 2024, 10:24 AM

Speaker: Dr. Jiani Tan



Title: Study on the Atmospheric Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen and Impacts on the Ecosystem

报告题目: 大气活性氮沉降及其生态影响的研究


Date: 2024-10-30

Time: 15:00-16:30 

Room: ES354


Host: Dr. Qing Mu



Tencent Meeting ID: 748-5683-7998



Reactive nitrogen serves as an essential nutrient for the terrestrial ecosystem. However, high level of deposition that exceeded the natural threshold and resilience could alert the ecosystem, leading to acidification and eutrophication of the terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore causing a series of adverse impacts. To investigate the characteristics of nitrogen deposition, we employed measurements from monitoring networks, chemical transport models and machine learning approaches to construct global- and regional-scale nitrogen deposition mappings. We then investigated the driving factors of nitrogen deposition by conducting sensitivity tests. Finally, we assessed the impacts on the ecosystem by assessing the influence on natural nutrient budget and carbon sink potential. The findings highlighted the need for accurate estimation on nitrogen deposition and suggested a comprehensive assessment on the potential influences on the environment and human living.






Dr. Tan is an associate professor of Shanghai University and a high-level overseas talents introduced by Shanghai. She received Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, United States, and continued postdoctoral research at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany. Dr. Tan joined the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering of Shanghai University in 2023. She has published more than 20 SCI papers in top international journals such as PNAS, ACP, EST, etc. Her research focus on atmospheric nitrogen budget, synergetic control of environmental pollution and carbon emissions, and application of deep learning to atmospheric science.





Look forward to seeing you!

Liwen Wu

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