Dr. Weiwei Dai's personal space

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Weiwei Dai 代伟伟, Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences  生物科学系
Director/主任, Suzhou Municipal Key Lab for Metabolic Syndrome Drug Research(苏州市代谢综合症新药研究重点实验室)

About me

Weiwei Dai received his B.S. in Biotechnology from Northwest University, Xi’an (2008), M.Sc. in Fish Nutrition from Ocean University of China, Qingdao (2011), and Ph.D. in Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France (2016). During 2016 and 2023, Dr. Dai continued his academic career in United States as a postdoctoral fellow at The Pennsylvania State University (2016-2018) and a Post-Doctoral Associate at Rutgers University (2018-2023). Dr. Dai joined the Department of Biological Sciences at XJTLU as an assistant professor in June, 2023. Dr. Dai's research has been mainly focused on studying nutrition and metabolism in liver and metabolic diseases including obesity and liver cancer. Currently, he is focusing on studying cancer metabolism, especially amino acid/nitrogen metabolism in liver cancer, as well as epigenetic regulation on metabolic enzymes in liver tumor microenvironments. Dr. Dai has published 17 peer-reviewed papers, including 8 first-author SCI research articles, such as J Clin Invest (IF=19.5), The FASEB Journal, JMCB, BBA Mol Basis Dis., and 2 second-author articles; as well as 2 first-author patents for invention. Dr. Dai also actively serves in the academic community as a member of Chinese Society for Cell Biology and The Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as journal reviewers for Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (IF=8.19), Clinical Science (IF=5.22), Frontiers in Nutrition (IF=5), and Bioscience Reports.

代伟伟本科毕业于西北大学生物技术专业(2008);硕士毕业于中国海洋大学(2011),师从麦康森院士和艾庆辉教授(“国家杰青”、“长江学者”);博士毕业于法国国家农业科学研究院(INRA,2016)。2016-2023年期间先后在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学和罗格斯大学从事博士后研究。代博士2023年6月加入西交利物浦大学生物科学系。过去数十年代博士一直从事肝脏营养和代谢研究,目前的主要研究方向为肿瘤代谢与氨基酸/氮代谢。近几年以第一作者在J Clin Invest (IF=19.5),The FASEB Journal,JMCB,BBA Mol Basis Dis.等经典SCI杂志发表科研文章11篇;共同作者文章7篇;第一发明人发明专利2项。中国细胞生物学学会、中国生物物理学会和中国生物化学与分子生物学会员。同时担任Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Clinical Science、Frontiers in Nutrition, Bioscience Reports 和Aquaculture等杂志的审稿人。



Current lab members 当前实验室成员:

Weiwei Dai 代伟伟 (Principal Investigator)

Lab Technician: Shiyan Wang 王誓滟

Ph.D students: Chenxi Wang 王辰希;Jinghan Zhao 赵婧涵

Master: Jingqi Xu 徐镜淇; Umer Bin Sohail; Shuo Huang 黄硕

FYP students: Xinyu Yao (姚昕宇); Penwen Hao (郝沛文); Zhiyi Chen (陈芷仪);Yihanqi Zhang (张艺含琪);Zheng Tang (唐正)

Lab volunteers: Kexin Feng (冯可欣); Haixia Hu (胡海霞); Ruiqi Cao (曹瑞琪); Jingyi Cao (曹静宜); Jie Zhong (钟杰); Wantong Li (李婉潼); Junyue Ji (戢俊玥)

Former Lab members:

Chendi Yang 杨陈迪/ Ziyu Yuan 袁梓玉/ Shibo Yang 杨世博/ Junyu Qi 齐俊宇/ Yimeng Zhang 张益铭/ Jingyi Ning 宁静怡/ Bowen Zheng 郑博文

We highly welcome self-motivated PhD candidates, master students, Y4 FYP students, and/or Y2&3 volunteers to join our Dai Lab family. If interested, please don't hesitate to visit Dr. Dai in SA242, or contact via emal (Weiwei.Dai@xjtlu.edu.cn) or WeChat (18862120238).

实验室博士招生信息如下 DAI Lab available PhD positions with scholarship can be found below:

  1. XJTLU Website: https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/en/admissions/doctoral/postgraduate-research-scholarships
  2. FindAPhD: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/?Keywords=weiwei+dai


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“Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery. And, I am really fascinated by the charm of biological science.”

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BIO Department seminars


Annual School of Science Meeting by John Moraros


Scientific conferences






Weiwei Dai's wall

Welcome to visit DAI Lab webpage! Please feel free to reach me via email; visit me in SB348; or follow me on Weibo " 西浦科研人" https://weibo.com/u/2142914941

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