Teaching 教学

Internal Teaching 校内教学

Ongoing Modules


Previous Modules






  • Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2022-11-16. [Flyer, video]
  • Git: a Collaboration Platform. XJTLU HES workshop. 2021-12-21.
  • Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2021-12-08.
  • Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2020-11-25.
  • R, Open Science, and Reproducible Research. MPIC workshop. 2018-12-03. [poster] 


  • 2016: Postgraduate module 707741: Field Experiments in Atmospheric Science. Assistant. Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck.
  • 2011. Postgraduate module 28205: Applied Meteorology. Assistant. Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth.
  • MiniVol便携式采样器简介。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-11-07.
  • FD12 能见度仪的原理、操作和维护。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-11-06.
  • GRIMM 180的测量原理、使用和维护。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-03-19.
  • Aethalometer的操作、维护和维修。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2007-09-22.

External Teaching 校外教学

  • 科研中的 R 语言作图。北京大学环境与工程学院受邀课程。2022-2023.
    Invited talk in the seminar at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University. 
  • mindr:R 语言制作思维导图。第 14 届中国 R 语言会议受邀报告。2021-11-20. [视频]
    Invited oral presentation at the 14th China R Conference. 2021-11-20.
  • 科研中的 R 语言。中国人民大学受邀课程。2021-09-14.
    Invited talk in the seminar by the Renmin University of China. 2021-09-14.
  • R 语言入门。雪豹网受邀培训。2021-09-02. [课程介绍 + 视频]
    Invited talk by the Snow Leopard Network. 2021-09-02.
  • 科研中的 R 语言。华南理工大学受邀课程。2020-12-24.
    Invited talk at the South China University of Technology: R in Academia.
  • 使用 R 语言进行学术交流。中央财经大学受邀课程。R language in Academic Communications. Invited talk at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Peking, China. 2020-06-10.
  • R 语言支持可重复研究。中央财经大学受邀课程。2019-09-16.


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