Groups | 小组
Books | 书籍
Internal Teaching 校内教学
Ongoing Modules
- ENV405: Advanced Statistics In Environmental Sciences (Leader)
- SCI002: Scientific Principles and Methods (Involved)
- ENV301: Final Year Project for ENV (Involved)
- ENV221: Introductory Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Involved)
- Postgraduate Research Students Training Programme (Involved)
Previous Modules
- ENV221: Introductory Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Leader)
- ENV222: Advanced Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Leader)
- ENV301: Final Year Project for ENV (Involved)
- BIO303: Final Year Project for BIO (Involved)
- APH003: Exploring the World Through Data (involved)
- Postgraduate Research Students Training Programme (Involved)
- ENV222: Advanced Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Leader)
- ENV221: Introductory Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Leader)
- ENV002: Global Environmental Issues (Involved)
- APH003: Exploring the World Through Data (involved)
- ENV117: Foundational Research Skills for Environmental Scientists (Involved)
- ENV301: Final Year Project (Involved)
- ENV203: Statistics for Environmental Scientists (Leader)
- DPH206: Methods for Analyzing Public Health IV: Working in the Field: Data (Leader)
- ENV002: Global Environmental Issues (Involved)
- ENV201: Research Design (Involved)
- ENV301: Final Year Project (Involved)
- DPH301: Final Year Project (Involved)
- Postgraduate Research Students Training Programme (Involved)
- Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2022-11-16. [Flyer, video]
- Git: a Collaboration Platform. XJTLU HES workshop. 2021-12-21.
- Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2021-12-08.
- Modern Statistical Graphs with R. XJTLU library workshop. 2020-11-25.
- R, Open Science, and Reproducible Research. MPIC workshop. 2018-12-03. [
- Field Experiments in Atmospheric Science. Assistant. Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck.
- 2011. Postgraduate module 28205: Applied Meteorology. Assistant. Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth.
- MiniVol便携式采样器简介。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-11-07.
- FD12 能见度仪的原理、操作和维护。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-11-06.
- GRIMM 180的测量原理、使用和维护。中国气象科学研究院大气成分观测课程。2008-03-19.
External Teaching 校外教学
- 科研中的 R 语言作图。北京大学环境与工程学院受邀课程。2022-2023.
Invited talk in the seminar at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University. - mindr:R 语言制作思维导图。第 14 届中国 R 语言会议受邀报告。2021-11-20. [Invited oral presentation at the 14th China R Conference. 2021-11-20.
- 科研中的 R 语言。中国人民大学受邀课程。2021-09-14.
Invited talk in the seminar by the Renmin University of China. 2021-09-14. - R 语言入门。雪豹网受邀培训。2021-09-02. [ + Invited talk by the Snow Leopard Network. 2021-09-02.
- 科研中的 R 语言。华南理工大学受邀课程。2020-12-24.
Invited talk at the South China University of Technology: R in Academia. - 使用 R 语言进行学术交流。中央财经大学受邀课程。R language in Academic Communications. Invited talk at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Peking, China. 2020-06-10.
- R 语言支持可重复研究。中央财经大学受邀课程。2019-09-16.
- Becoming a Data Scientist in Ecology/Environmental Sciences: To Be or Not to Be? XJTLU HES seminar. 2023-05-09. [abstract]
- Bioaerosol: Lives in the Air. XJTLU HES seminar. 2021-11-09.
- 我的七个骄傲和三个遗憾。图灵《现代统计图形》见面会。2021-08-10. [Invited talk by the New Book Publishment Event by the Post & Telecom Press: The Story of the Modern Statistical Graphs.
- Powerpointless Teaching: A Slides-Free Teaching Style for Post-Pandemic Education at XJTLU. XJTLU 2021 Annual Learning and Teaching Colloquium. 2021-04-15. []
- Build an Academic Website if What You Study Is a Mess. XJTLU HES seminar. 2020-10-14.
- A Story behind the Website Invited talk at Researcher cademy@XJTLU Library, Suzhou, China. 2020-05-27. [ +
Galvagno, M.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Zhao, P.; Cremonese, E.; Filippa, G.. Challenges and opportunities of quantifying local CO advection at a mountain forest in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, EGU2020-17997. 2020-05-04. [].
- Zhao, P.; Su, H.; Kuhn, U.; Ditas, J.; Konemann, T.; Poeschl, U.; Cheng, Y.. Long-Term Airborne Observations of Bioaerosols on a Lufthansa Passenger Aircraft. AGUFM, A52D-05. 2019-12-13. []
- Li, M.; Zhao, P.: Chemical contribution to the vertical gradient measurement for reactive gases – a novel kinetic model study & tool development. MPIC department seminar, Mainz, Germany. 2019-03-12.
- Zhao, P.; Hammerle, A.; Wohlfarht, G.. The Role of advection for the ecosystem-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange of alpine grasslands. ACINN Seminar, Innsbruck. 2018-01-31.
Zhao, P.; Wohlfarht, G.; Zeeman, M.: Progresses in the study on the advection contribution to NEE in the field campaign. ScaleX Workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany: 2017-03-29.
- Zhao, P.; Wohlfarht, G.: Contribution of the advection terms for NEE in short-statured ecosystems. ScaleX Workshop, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany: 2016-02-15.
- 农业生态系统-大气之间的二氧化碳和能量交换。暨南大学质谱仪器与大气环境研究所学术讲座暨110周年校庆学术活动受邀报告。2016-12-27.
- 农业生态系统-大气之间的二氧化碳和能量交换。中山大学青年学者论坛。2016-12-26.
Ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapour in typical East-Asian croplands. PhD defense, University of Bayreuth. 2014-07-09.
- Zhao, P; Lüers, J.: Dynamics of CO2 exchange of irrigated and non-irrigated crops in Haean Catchment, South Korea. Review of TERRECO Phase II, Bayreuth, Germany. 2013-01-17.
- Tenhunen, J.; Gebauer, G.; Huwe, B.; Kim, B.; Kiese, R.; Kiese, R.; Lüers, J.; Reineking, B.; Werner, C.; Ali, H.E.; Berger, S.; Domeignoz, L.; Eum, J.; Kettering, J.; Kim, Y.; Kwon, H.; Lee, B.; Lindner, S.; Maharjan, G.; Htoon, B.N.; Park, J.Y.; Ruidisch, M.; Xue, W.; Zhao, P.. Agriculture and Land Surface Functions in the Soyang Lake Watershed. Review of TERRECO Phase II, Bayreuth, Germany. 2013-01-17.
- Lindner, S.; Lee, B.; Zhao, P.; Kettering, J.; Kwon, H.; Otieno, DO.; Tenhunen, J.. Variation in carbon dioxide gas exchange and productivity of the major crops of the Haean Catchment, South Korea. Review of TERRECO Phase II, Bayreuth, Germany. 2013-01-17.
- Kwon, H.; Lindner, S; Zhao, P.; Lee, B.; Otieno, DO.; Tenhunen, J.. Biological fingerprint for landscape ecosystem respiration with agricultural management of the Haean Catchment, Korea. Review of TERRECO Phase II, Bayreuth, Germany. 2013-01-17.
- Dynamics of CO2 exchange in croplands in Haean Catchment, South Korea. TERRECO Workshop. 2012-11-09.
- Energy and CO2 exchange between agro-ecosystems and the atmosphere over a complex terrain in Korea. TERRECO Workshop. 2012-01-13.
- Gap-filling strategy for net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide at agro-ecosystems in Korea. Seminar of the Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth. 2011-11-25.
- Energy and CO2 exchange between agro-ecosystems and the atmosphere over a complex terrain in Korea. TERRECO Workshop. 2011-11-11.
- Zhao, P.; Lüers, J: Energy and CO2 exchange between agro-ecosystems and the atmosphere over a complex terrain in Korea. TERRECO 2011 Science Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany: 2011-10-02 -- 2011-10-07.
- The 2010 experiment in South Korea. Seminar of the Department of Micrometeorolgoy, University of Bayreuth. 2011-01-31.
- Zhao, P.; Lüers, J; Foken, T; Tenhunen, J: Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements and footprint modelling: Preliminary results of eddy covariance measurement. . 2010-09-13 -- 2010-09-17.
- Preliminary Results of Eddy Covariance Measurements at Haean. 2010-08-06.
- Zhao, P.; Lüers, J; Foken, T; Tenhunen, J: Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements and footprint modeling: Atmospheric turbulent energy flux measurements. TERRECO 2010 Science Review and Planning Workshop, Bayreuth, Germany. 2010-04-11 -- 2010-04-14. <
Before 2009 更早
- Automatic Weather Station. TERRECO Workshop. 2009-12-04.
- Installed Automatic Weather Stations at Haean Basin. TERRECO Workshop. 2009-09-04.
Posters 海报
- 新冠疫情期间城市管控政策对中国六个城市空气质量的影响。第七届青年地学论坛。2021-07-09.
The 7th China Geoscience Youth Forum: Impact of city lockdown measurement on air quality in six cities in China during COVID-19. - Zhao, P.; Hammerle, A.; Zeeman, M.; Wohlfarht, G.. On the calculation of daytime CO2 fluxes measured by automated closed transparent chambers. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. 2018-04-12. [ ]
- Zhao, P.; Hammerle, A.; Wohlfarht, G.. Role of advection for the ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange of alpine grasslands. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. 2017-04-24. [ ]
- Zhao, P.; Wohlfarht, G.. Contribution of the advection terms for NEE in short-statured ecosystems. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria. 2016-04-21. [ ]
- Zhao, P.; Hammerle, A.; Wohlfarht, G.: Measurement of advection of carbon dioxide over grasslands in complex terrains in the Alps. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. 2015-04-07. []
- Dynamics of CO2 exchange in irrigated and non-irrigated croplands in Haean Catchment, South Korea. TERRECO Workshop. 2012-11-26. []
- Zhao, P.; Lüers, J.: Gap-filling strategy for daytime net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide at a fast-growing cropland in South Korea. 3rd iLEAPS Science Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 2011-09-18 - 2011-09-23. []
- Zhao, P.; Lüers, J.; Lee, CB.; Tenhunen, J.; Foken, T.: Energy and matter exchange in an atmosphere-ecosystem over a complex terrain in Korea. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna: 2011-04-03 - 2011-04-08.
Zhao, P.; Lüers, J.; Foken, T.; Tenhunen, J.: Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements and footprint modelling. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna. 2010-05-02 - 2010-05-07. []
Interview 访谈
- 圆桌会议:ChatGPT应用向讨论 | 统计之都云讲堂第 18 讲. ChatGPT in High Education and Scientific Research. Online workshop by the Capital of Statistics.
- XJTLU staff publishes a book on modern statistical graphics. XJTLU interview. 2021-08-12. [
关于《现代统计图形》。西浦访谈。2021-08-12. [