May 14-16, 2025

The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2025 (ICAIE 2025)

Venue: Suzhou, China

Website (under construction):

October 3-4, 2024

AI and Education Special Session at the International Conference on Higher Education Learning and Teaching 2024

Full paper submission: 2 August 2024

Submission Link:

For more details, please check:

August 20, 2024

The 7th Global Competition on Design for Future Education

Master's students Yuhan Liu and Zhe Xu from the Digital Education program at the Academy of Future Education, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), and their team won the bronze award in the 2024 Global Future Education Design Competition.

The award-winning project, "Hellodoc" is a teaching model design involving multiple stakeholders. The competition team presented the interface design of this AI-based medical student training software. The software addresses the training challenges and licensing exam requirements medical students face. Creating virtual scenarios and AI virtual patients, allows medical students to practice simulated consultations. The goal is to provide medical students with comprehensive knowledge and practical training. Additionally, the software features an electronic library, enabling students to access high-quality resources from various schools.

Student Work:

  • Liu, Y., & Xu, Z. (2024). Hellodoc AI solution for medical education. Team Bronze Award in the 2024 Global Future Education Design Competition.
  • Liu, Y. (2024). Invited talk at the Global Smart Education Conference co-organized by UNESCO and Beijing Normal University.



Additionally, Yuhan Liu has been invited to deliver a speech at the Global Smart Education Conference, jointly organized by UNESCO and Beijing Normal University, in Beijing on August 20. Participation details are as follows: (password: 383282)

Chinese News Link:

July 25-27, 2024

AI and Education Special Session at the 10th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (ICSCC 2024)

The intersection of AI and Education presents a vast landscape of opportunities and challenges. As AI technologies continue to evolve, their potential to transform teaching, learning, and the overall educational experience becomes more apparent. This special session aims to delve into the latest advancements and research in this field, exploring how AI can enhance various aspects of education.

We invite experts, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights and experiences through papers and presentations.

For more details please check:


The previous proceedings can be seen at the following links:

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Presenters are from Malaysia, the US, France, China, Indonesia, and Singapore. Attendees are from all over the world.

Jun 20-21, 2024

The first XJTLU New Vocational Education Innovation Annual Conference were successfully held

From June 20 to 21, 2024, nearly 150 vocational education practitioners and corporate workers from all over the country gathered at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to participate in and witness the successful holding of the first XJTLU New Vocational Education Innovation Annual Conference, discovered and discussed many core propositions and directions in the development of new vocational education.

For more details, please check the WeChat article (in Chinese):

Workshop on Syntegrative Learning and Digital Education

The "Special Workshop on Syntegrative Learning and Digital Education" allows participants to immerse themselves in the unique charm of Syntegrative Learning in the digital era through multiple methods such as theme sharing, interactive presentations, and roundtable discussions.




June 21, 2024

XJTLU Academy of Future Education and Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. (Ximmerse) jointly establish an industry-university-research base

In the digital age, XJTLU’s Academy of Future Education is constantly exploring future education development models, working with schools at all stages of education, educational institutions and cutting-edge companies to jointly build a future education ecosystem.

For more details, please check the WeChat article (in Chinese):


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May 16-19, 2024

The Sub-forum of the 9th Annual Education Innovation Conference

The "AI + Metaverse + Digital Game-Based Learning" sub-forum will take you into the fantastic world of future education. Here, you will witness how artificial intelligence perfectly integrates with the metaverse to create an immersive digital game-based learning environment. The teacher exhibition area will showcase the latest AI teaching tools that allow students to easily master knowledge through games; the student exhibition area will demonstrate students' creativity and talent in digital game-based learning; and the corporate exhibition area will bring cutting-edge technological solutions to support the transformation and upgrading of the education industry. In addition, the roundtable discussion will invite industry experts to explore the directions and challenges of educational change. This is not only a feast of knowledge but also a collision of ideas and inspiration.

Event Time: May 17th, 2024 (Friday), 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Beijing Time)

Event Venue: 12th Floor of the International Research Building, South Campus, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

For more details, please check:


April 27-28, 2024

XJTLU K-12 Education Annual Conference AI and Education Special Section

Details please check the WeChat article (in Chinese):


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March 23, 2024

December 22, 2023

Research Centre Launch Ceremony


December 12, 2023



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