This is a page about our group's community engagement work. We hope you enjoy the texts and pictures we provide!

Basic Information 社区基本情况


  •  A new community with about 800 families   崭新的社区,大约800户居民

  • Main residents are young couples with little children and old parents   主要的居民群体是年轻家庭带着年幼的小孩和年迈的父母
  • The environment of the community is beautiful   社区环境十分优美

  • The education level of the residents is relatively high   社区居民文化教育水平相对较高
  • The residents are not familiar with each other   居民之间相互并不熟悉
  • The space for activities is limited   社区活动场地十分有限

Community Appearance 社区概貌


Community Appearance 社区概貌


Community Appearance 社区概貌


Community Appearance 社区概貌


Group Members 小组成员

 Yue.Yang, Yingrui.Qu, Wenxuan.Song, Manjie.Jin, Qi. Wang


Group Members 小组成员


Main Targets 主要目标

Enhance community sense of belonging and build the most beautiful community


Community Activities 社区活动


Community Activities 社区活动


Outcomes 成果

  • Our group designed an activity called 'Thirty Days Challenge'. The main content of this activity is to make residents be familiar with each other by holding a face-to-face meeting, setting up an Wechat Group and giving residents a chance to challenge themselves. This activity does not need too much space and the complish time is free. In addition, this activity is suitable for all ages to join. Hence, through holding this activity the problem that young couples are too busy to joining in family activities can be solved and residents can improve themselves as well.
  • 设计了一次“三十天挑战”活动,活动的主要内容是希望以一次线下的见面会为契机,建立社区居民的线上微信联系群,以三十天为一个周期,促使居民完成一直以来没有恒心坚持的事,并且在这个过程中彼此熟悉。这个活动所需要的空间比较小,自由的时间比较多,并且不针对特定的年龄段,各个年龄段都可以参与进来,一方面解决了社区年轻居民工作太忙无暇参与社区、家庭活动的问题,另一方面对居民个人的提高也很有好处。
  • Our group designed to posters to call on shop owners and residents to protect their own community well.   
  • 我们小组设计了两张宣传单,号召商铺老板和居民共同提高环保意识,做好垃圾分类,保护社区环境。



Outcomes 成果展示




Process 过程


  • On-the-spot investigation→ To know clearly about the community's information
  • 实地考察→详细了解社区基本情况



  • Help Zhongxin Social Work Office to complete the community survey → To know more about residents' need for community

  • 帮助中新社工事务所完成调查问卷 → 了解居民对社区的需求



  • According to the situation of ShiDaiShangCheng Community, we planned two activities to help them to be familiar with each other and hoped the activities could be held regularly by themselves 

  • 根据时代上城南社区的具体情况,我们计划的两个活动帮助居民彼此熟悉,并且希望这些活动能被居民主动地有规律性地举办



  • In order to solve the "disorganized situation in the front of the community" which was caused by the commercial shops, we designed two posters to call on shop owners and residents to protect their own environment

  • 为了解决由社区门前商铺造成的“社区门口垃圾杂乱”这一问题,我们设计了两张海报号召商铺老板和居民们主动做好垃圾分类,保护社区环境




Outcomes 成果展示


Reflection 反馈

  • Though this practice we learned that social workers’ daily work is very difficulties. So we hope that on the issue of community construction, community residents, social workers and neighborhood committees can stand on the same side and understand each other more.
  • 通过这次的社区社会实践,我们发现社区工作者的工作真的非常辛苦。因此我们希望在关于社区建设的问题上,社区居民、社工和居委会三者都能够站在同一战线,相互理解,互相支撑。



  • In consideration of that residents are concerned about community safety, this can be a key direction of community construction in the future. In addition, residents autonomy can be an effective way to solve this problem as well as to solve community environment protection problem.           
  • 考虑到社区居民十分关心社区安全问题,这可以成为将来社区建设的一个主要发展方向。另外,居民自治可能会成为解决社区安全问题和社区环境问题的一个有效途径。



  • The major population of Shidaishangcheng community is young couples and the space for  activities is limited. Therefore, we believe that a new kind of long-term activities which is a combination of online and offline activities can be used to mobilize the enthusiasm of all residents.
  • 由于时代上城南社区的主要居民是年轻家庭并且社区活动场地十分有限,我们认为一种新型的线上和线下相结合的长期活动可以作为一种选择来调动更多居民参与社区活动的积极性。



  • In conclusion, in the process of community construction, a dear understanding of the community situation is very important and to mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents own is also very important. After all, social workers can not always help residents to organize activities. Only when the residents be active and be concerned about the community affairs, they can become the true master of their community. 
  • 总之,在社区建设的过程当中,对于社区情况详细了解很重要,而充分调动社区居民的自主性、积极性更是十分重要。毕竟社区工作者不可能永远为社区居民举办活动。只有当社区居民变得活跃起来,真心关心社区事务时,他们才真正成为社区的主人。