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A question about installing rmd package

Jiayu Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 7

27 February 2022, 10:21 PM

Dear Dr. Zhao,

I am so sorry to bother you, and I still have a problem about installing rmd package.

When I ran the code that you showed in the forums, the second sentence "remotes::install_github('crsh/citr')" didn't work. The result shows like the picture. Could you give me a solution to this problem?

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

28 February 2022, 9:31 AM

Please remove "Dear Dr. Zhao," from your post, as I mentioned in another reply (click)

How do you know that "remotes::install_github('crsh/citr') didn't work?" I do not think the installation for citr failed. The message is very clear that you have already installed it.

The only issue that you must have used some characters (possibly your name in Chinese) which are not supported  in the path "C:/Users/???/Documents". R does not well support multi-byte characters in the paths. Please work in a directory with simple letters as the name, such as "d;/R/env222".

Next please do not use screenshots, if possible. The error messages are given in the plain text. Please copy and paste them directly. The advantage is we can copy the text and search the internet. For screenshots, we have to type the message for searching. It is a heavy waste of time.

Jiayu Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 7

28 February 2022, 10:20 AM

I check my path, and it shows as following :


[1] "D:/Download/R-4.1.2/library"

Therefore, I do not why Rstudio use another path  path[1]="C:/Users/????/Documents" automatically, does it have some ways to solve this problem?

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

28 February 2022, 12:01 PM

Did you start the RStudio from a nice path? If you are not sure, create an R project in a directory with simple letters as the name, such as "d;/R/env222", and start it from there. Do not start it from the Windows Start menu.

Jiayu Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 7

28 February 2022, 5:57 PM

I have solved this problem now, thank you for helping me.

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

28 February 2022, 8:31 PM

Good job! But please describe how you made it, which would help other people learn experience from this discussion.

Jiayu Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 7

28 February 2022, 8:45 PM

I creat a new project with the path "D://ENV222", then the last sentence "tinytex::install_tinytex()". After finishing installation, run "install.packages("Rcmdr")", and the package can be used successfully.

Peng Zhao's profile picture
Posts: 128

28 February 2022, 10:08 PM

Thanks for sharing the experience! I think there is nothing to do with Rcmdr. Anyway, congrats!

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