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Invited talk: Can parasites recognize colonies, and can clones recognize individuals? Dr. Brian A. Whyte, 2023-10-10

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Posts: 15

28 September 2023, 4:37 PM

Speaker: Dr. Brian A. Whyte, postdoc fellow, University of Toulouse

Host: Dr. Lingyun Xiao

Date: 2023-10-10

Time: 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Room: ES354

Title: Can parasites recognize colonies, and can clones recognize individuals?


Interactions within animal groups can be mediated by the recognition of social categories. Cooperation is often directed toward kin, colony members, or specific individuals, but how most invertebrates perceive these categories is unknown. Discussing behavioral ecology across disparate taxa, I will present my recent research showing what drives aggression between larval colonies of parasitic flatworms, and I will share the research questions of my next study on how clonal ants may recognize individual identities among clones.


For online audiences: please join us with Tencent Meeting (ID: 832-604-003)


Look forward to seeing you at the talk!


Best Regards,


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