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Student seminar: Research on the exchange of bioaerosols between terrestrial ecosystems, 2023-10-25Research on the exchange of bioaerosols between terrestrial ecosystems, Baifeng Zhu, 2023-10-25
23 October 2023, 9:45 AM
Speaker: Baifeng Zhu
Date: 2023-10-25
Time: 13:30-14:00 pm
Room: ES354
Online link:
Meeting ID: 664-4757-0489
Title: Research on the exchange of bioaerosols between terrestrial ecosystems
Bioaerosols, consisting of airborne biological particles like bacteria, fungi, and pollen, have garnered significant attention for their potential impacts on the whole environment and human health. However, there needs a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the variability and origin of bioaerosol particles.
This study conducts real-time particle monitoring using the Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS) instrument at specific sites. Three research components are identifying and characterising bioaerosol particles, variability study of their composition and concentration, and traceability study of their sources.
Possible preliminary results demonstrate notable variations in the composition and concentration of bioaerosols across different meteorological conditions, air quality, etc. A trajectory model was developed based on previous characterisations to find emission points with significant contributions. Furthermore, these observations suggest a potential exchange pattern of bioaerosols between different ecosystems.The study provides insights into the sources and transport of bioaerosols and contributes to a better understanding of their impact on air quality and climate. Further analysis is needed to fully understand the exchange of bioaerosols between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
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AMOintern4 intern4 - 18 January 2024, 11:27 AM