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[CANCELLED] Student seminar: Soil-water interface- nitrogen biogeochemical hotspot, can serve as a potential gatekeeper for N2O emission, Yujia Cai, 2023-11-29

Wanxin Li's profile picture
Posts: 40

24 November 2023, 11:45 AM

Dear All,


Please note that Yujia's talk (Nov. 29, 2:00-2:30 pm) is canceled due to a time conflict. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.






Speaker: Yujia Cai


Date: 2023-11-29

Time: 14:00-14:30 pm

Room: ES354


Online link:

Meeting ID: 664-4757-0489


Title: Soil-water interface- nitrogen biogeochemical hotspot, can serve as a potential gatekeeper for N2O emission


Wetland-like systems, characterized by the soil-water interface, are one of the greatest sources of nitrous oxide (N2O), a critical greenhouse gas and ozone depleter produced by microbes. However, as a biogeochemical hotspot, the role of soil-water interface in nitrogen (N) cycling and N2O emission remains poorly understood. Here, we imitated the day-night change in flooded soils and profiled the millimeter vertical distribution of total and active N cycling microbes to decipher the N2O emission. We found that active N transformation dominates in the first 10 mm layer of flooded soils: especially the nosZ N2O-reducers are most active in the surface while N2O accumulates in the deep soil. This suggests the surface soil may block the up-diffusing N2O and decrease the N2O emission. We observed that different spatial distribution presented in functional equivalent N guilds as well as their distinct response under light, indicating the niche differentiation. These results depict a clearer picture of the N cycling across the soil-water interface and, suggests the potential role of soil-water interface in mitigating N2O emission.

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