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Student seminar: Assessing the effects of cropland abandonment on biodiversity and ecosystem services, Xinlei Guo, 2024-02-29

Wanxin Li's profile picture
Posts: 37

23 February 2024, 2:33 PM

Speaker: Xinlei Guo


Date: 2024-02-29

Time: 13:30-14:00 

Room: ES354


Online link:

Meeting ID: 668-4466-7997


Title: Assessing the effects of cropland abandonment on biodiversity and ecosystem services


Cropland abandonment presents a significant global challenge with implications for biodiversity conservation, food security, and carbon neutrality. Despite its prevalence, opinions diverge widely among scholars and policymakers on its impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services.  In this talk, I will present my previous research findings and outline my future plans for exploring this fascinating subject. To begin with, I will conduct a meta-analysis of existing scientific evidence to study the impacts of cropland abandonment on the richness and composition of various taxonomic groups, alongside crucial ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. Based on globally shared biodiversity databases, such as BIOTIME, along with remote sensing data, I will investigate the dynamic changes in biodiversity before and after cropland abandonment on a global scale. Furthermore, by incorporating socio-economic data, we intend to evaluate synergies and tradeoffs between the ecological value of abandoned cropland, crop production, and economic value at the national scale. Finally, I will take field surveys focusing on bird species and soil organic carbon in a rural county located in northern China.

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