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Student seminar: Modeling PM2.5 deposition to plants with different configurations, Bokun Sun, 2024-03-07

Wanxin Li's profile picture
Posts: 37

01 March 2024, 1:13 PM

Speaker: Bokun Sun (online)


Date: 2024-03-07

Time: 13:30-14:00 

Room: ES354


Online link:

Meeting ID: 668-4466-7997


Title: Modeling PM2.5 deposition to plants with different configurations


 Particulate matter (PM) contamination stands as a significant contributor to air pollution, exacerbating the prevalence and fatality rates of numerous diseases. Vegetation emerges as a pivotal factor in mitigating atmospheric particulate matter, employing diverse mechanisms such as surface particle retention on branches and leaves, modulation of wind speed to facilitate PM deposition, and deter resuspension. Prior investigations have underscored the variability in particle dry deposition velocity resultant from different plant classifications, including grass, coniferous, broad-leaved, and shrub varieties, each characterized by distinct roughness indices and morphological features influencing airflow and particle behavior. Although Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Total Leaf Area Density (LAD) within a given plant species have been recognized to impact dry deposition velocity, exploration of other pertinent variable such as optical porosity remains scarce. In this study, a novel model is proposed to assess the aerosol removal efficacy of identical plant species featuring varying front and lateral porosity. Calibration of the model utilizes data obtained from wind tunnel experiments encompassing both authentic plants and artificial plant models. This model offers a framework to appraise the influence of plant porosity and wind direction on PM1 dry deposition velocity.

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