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Student seminar: Impacts of urbanisation on insect diversity and food and survival rate of mason bee (Osmia excavate), Shasha Zou, 2024-03-21

Wanxin Li's profile picture
Posts: 37

18 March 2024, 10:50 AM

Speaker: Shasha Zou


Date: 2024-03-21

Time: 13:00-13:30 

Room: ES354


Online link:

Meeting ID: 668-4466-7997


Title: Impacts of urbanisation on insect diversity and food and survival rate of mason bee (Osmia excavate)


Urban areas are growing and continually alert landscapes around the world, thereby affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services such as pollination. Most cities in China are within a rapid urbanization period. Therefore, changes in plant cover, loss of habitat, changes in land use and increases in pollutants are now threatening the survival of pollinators in China. This presentation will introduce the project that uses a field study of mason bees (Osmia excavata) and wild pollinators in Suzhou, China, which will help researchers understand the effects and key drivers of different urbanization intensities on insect diversity and mason bee abundance in real spatial scales. The expected results of this study will provide constructive insights for measures to protect pollinators in urban management and using of pesticides and fertilizers in urban and peri-urban areas.


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