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Colloquium 2017
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AEC e-Newsletter Special Edition
Colloquium Debate
Improving the teaching of Power Electronics and Sustainable Energy By well-designed Laboratory Experiments
The Medium Matters: An evidence-based critique of the communication, interaction, and collaboration in writing centre tutoring sessions
Engaging Students through Technology: A Team-based Collaborative Approach
Learning by creating: A case study in teaching computing to entry level students
Systems are arcane, forced to work, unreliable and convoluted” The long and winding road of Electronic Management of Assessment
Research-oriented teaching via international field trip at UPD
Research-led teaching and practice-driven learning via business case studies
Skills Required for Learning Introductory Statistics in Transnational Education: a test to detect weaknesses.
Starlight Navigation
Giving Students Written Feedback - Challenges and Possibilities
Innovation driven teaching and learning: CSE313 Big Data Analytics module report
Exploring the Effectiveness Student-generated Video Tutorials in the Electronic Lab-based Teaching
Design, implementation, and effectiveness of flipped classroom and debate in Money and Banking module
Educating for Transformation
Critical Thinking and Scaffolding Activities
Piloting a Year 3 EAP Module
Sustainability Education among Global Pioneering Business Schools: What Could IBSS Learn From
Creating an Online Self-Study Tool for EAP Essay Writers at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
The enabling role of online learning environments in value co-creation: a case of IBSS-ULMS joint assignment
Factors affecting the use and adoption of mobile learning technologies: A multi‐university study
Establishing a Writing Habit: The 30-Day Challenge
Focus Groups - a sound choice of research methodology?
Theory U for student Final Year Projects (FYP): experiential learning, personal transformation and innovation
Preparing professional exam papers using LaTeX tool
Gamifying Learning: Perspectives and Experiences in EAP Classes
Innovatively Evolving an Inter-disciplinary Course to Enhance Student Learning
Using Concept Mapping to Explore Integrated Learning
Astronomy and space science as tools for tertiary education and research training
Greening our Campus through Research-led Learning & Teaching Activities
Trials of Game-Based Teaching in XJTLU
Joint Delivery: Development and Practice
Managing student participation: Teacher strategies in an EFL course
How can EAP skills enhance students’ academic study?
Systems are arcane, forced to work, unreliable and convoluted” The long and winding road of Electronic Management of Assessment
Blackboard Assignment, e-Submission, electronic marking and feedback, Turnitin and Grade Mark
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Updated on 12 May 2019, 1:01 PM; 533 page visits from 20 April 2017 to 21 December 2024