The site of our group work is Neighborhood #1, site #3, which located eastern Dongyan Road bound Lianchi Street, covering an area of 108785m2 with a total building area of 152300m2. The plot ratios 1.4 and the percentage of greenery is 20%. All building types are concrete with strong uniform style. the relocated person forms an community population of 39.4% and non-locals form 51.2% (Xiong, 2016).
All the METHODs mentioned below have been employed in the Group-Research
REGARDING the preliminary field trips during the last two weeks, parts of the population in New Lotus Village are originally from the previous town. Most of the residents are migrants and the majority of them are solely tenants. Referring to the statistic report provided by the town’s committee, 33.7% of the total population are remained relocation households. Other 192,00 residents, however, are immigrants from different areas. Based on both the statistic report and the previous investigation, the group have produced a pie chart to demonstrate the population composition of the society.
Consequently, as the pie chart illustrated above, the Lotus Village is obviously occupied by various customs. According to the residents, there is a tremendous social alienation between the local villagers and the immigrants. Insufficient interactions are occurred in the community via any forms of activities. “Locals are always separating us from their activities, and the way they treated us is different from the way they treated their own kinds”, said the immigrants. Subsequently, people in the village would fail to experience an inclusive living environment and would eventually lead to a severe polarization, namely, locals and migrants.
TABLE-#1 available from Xiong (2016)
In order to further understand the population composition and its related social activity in the community, several questionnaires have been made before the investigation and have randomly distributed to 26 residents, including locals and immigrants. Later, 26 questionnaires have collected and analyzed by the group member. Accompanied with the interview method, we found that majority of the local-residents are agrarian families with less education. They used to depend on agriculture for living. Nevertheless, most of them have inadequate economic income and are passionless on life after the relocation. As for the immigrants, parts of them are the elderly, babysitting their grandchildren, and others are migrant workers.
Entering the community gate, there are insufficient plazas for residents to entertain themselves. Furthermore, adequate separations between residents and automobile are not appropriately considered into design. Children and the elderlies are solely putting themselves in the middle the roads. During the 2nd field-trip, a 2-year-old kid was almost hidden by a car while playing and 3 80-year-old residents were selling the agricultural-products at the intersection (Figure1&2&3).
The un-appropriate design has severe affected residents’ safety. It is a significant component of a spatial design (Jacobs, 1961). People needs to feel safe while living in a certain space. Moreover, the accessibility between communities are extremely inadequate, isolating by approximately 8 meters roads without any pedestrian-street (Figure4). Residents need to choose the bendy routes for a visit. Also, there is insufficient cultural communications via art-installation or performances. Accompanied with social-alienation above, the Lotus Village might not generate a sense of place for people. This might eventually contribute to a tremendous depopulation. Significantly, it would reduce social-cohesion and end up as an unsustainable development (Crossick and Kaszynska,2016).
BIODIVERSITY is defined as the presence of many different varieties of flora and fauna in an environment by Merriam Webster (2019). According to COHAB (2010), Biodiversity is the basis for human health. Moreover, By taking care of the life-sustaining goods and services which biodiversity offer to us, biodiversity can provide numerous benefits to our health. In comparison, the continuing loss of biodiversity on a global scale represents a straight risk to our health and well-being. Therefore this essay aims to analyze the biodiversity in the Lotus community.
Firstly, after analyzing Lotus village, several spaces have been used inefficiently, and as a result, it is affecting the people and the biodiversity. For example this place (can be seen in figure 5).
Actually by building a green space is very useful for the community but, there is a problem according to us. This ample green space is located at the back of the apartment door. The problem is the developer does not provide any chairs for people to relax in the greenery. So, we think that this space is not used efficiently and eventually there will be no people go here to enjoy the park. Another one has the same problem (can be seen in figure 6 and 7). Even worse, the large park is not being maintained well by the developer and the communities people are hanging their laundry on the grass and the bench is destroyed. As a result, nobody is going there to enjoy the landscape which is created to become public space for people to get relax.
However, there are many kinds of bird and plant plants by the residents. We received a suggestion from the residents that they need places to plant their plants because as old people they do not have anything to do so to fill their free time. There are Several benefits from Biodiversity, for example, provide food security, dietary health, reduce disaster threats and plays a vital role in regulating and control of infectious diseases (SARS and Ebola). According to the research group 7 has done, seems like the Lotus community are lacking what it called biodiversity. The community has many greenery. However, the greenery mostly has the same species as each other.
To summarize, according to the research group 7 has done, seems like the Lotus community are lacking what it called biodiversity. The community has many greenery. However, the green spaces are inefficient. There is a recommendation by the inhabitants to have an agriculture land in the community.
ACCORDING to our field trip in Lotus Community. We have discovered the consist of local energies, including solar energy, electricity, even woods.
- SOLAR ENERGY: We have observed that solar water heaters have been installed on the roof of every residential building to supply hot water for residents. It is a green lifestyle in the community which promotes low-carbon life.
According to the interview of 35 local residents, we know that the most families have to pay 150-200 yuan electricity fee per month. A lady told us that she had 2 little kids in her family, the largest part of electricity bill is air conditioning. She had to open warm and cold air conditioning to make kids comfortable in winter and summer so that the monthly bill would over 400 yuan.
Many lumber rooms on the ground floor are used as local stores. We have seen some LED advertisement boards hanging outside the lumber room. Some mess exposed electric wires maintain the power supply for lumber rooms and surrounding electric bicycles.
ISSUEs: Over use of electricity.
Connecting the electric wires randomly and privately is dangerous for people to use electricity.
- WOODS: On the lawn alongside the residential buildings, we found some old ladies cooking the rice dumplings for their families and selling. Interestingly, woods were used for their cooking as fuel although their family don’t lack energy supply. In my opinion, it is a continuing of rural lifestyle. Thus, these old people prefer use conventional fuels to modern energy.
ISSUEs: it will cause air pollution, consumption of natural recourse, and it is not safe for local children.
Main parts of local business type are home-based, small in scale, showing current employment status after relocation, great introverted characteristics and creating interesting urban-rural economic landscape. In this part, Features would be defined as a guide to describe, analyze the local enterprise forms listed above in Lotus Village and give recommendations.
FIGURE 13-#: EMPLOYMENT STATUS 13 years after relocation, available from Xiong (2016)
FIGURE 14-#: small business types in Lotus Village 2
Unemployment rate almost equals 2nd industry, which concerns a stable community and its development (Barton et al., 2010), while in hyperbaric 3rd industry, exchanging and trading forms are developing inwardly in Lotus Village 1. Vegetables and poultries are commonly sold in edges of residential areas, grown or feed illegally in green spaces (some are imported outside) and facing local customers because of the dialect problem.
Another feature of local enterprises, which could be defined as “economic landscape” are of great interests in Lotus Village 1:
FIGURE 15-#: chicken tide down and went around the pole; salons are managed illegally inside residential buildings (mainly in 1st or 2nd floor) with simple brand outside. House-rent boards filled with colorful advertisements forms a unique sight with an ignorance of public affairs.
FIGURE 16-#: bleeding industries divided in particular small scale was integrated with public green spaces: vegetables are grown in basins or with hedges; Dried meat slices are exposed to the sun.
They have the potential to transit to same features in England that more than 25% of people tend to part of work home (Barton et al., 2010) to become real local enterprises. Productivity would be fully used.
- Lack of classification practice
- The lack of classification practices means one-sided waste sorting and the recycling of inefficient renewable resources. At this site, we found that it promotes the classification and recycling of household waste, and the main streets are equipped with classified trash cans. However, most of the domestic garbage is not classified, and the residents directly package it and throw it away. Moreover, the local residents had consist to a work group for the cleaning up (Xiong, 2016).
- Environmental protection concept
- The key to the classification of domestic garbage lies in the source of garbage. According to our observation, there are a large number of middle-aged and elderly people in the residents, that is, the spread and influence of the concept of environmental protection are limited. In addition, the main streets in this area are very clean, but the hygiene conditions in the areas between residential buildings are not very good.
- Environmental construction
- The effective recycling of domestic garbage is related to the comfortable living environment and low-carbon lifestyle of the region, and the effective participation and active cooperation of a livable environment. However, we learned from visiting some residents that there are only some basic concepts about environmental protection, and there is not much understanding of the classification and utilization of garbage, which does not seem to affect their daily lives.
Through investigation, we found that the river beside LOTUS NO.1 community belongs to the Taihu river system. The water system in the community are comprehensive. There is a river along the Xingtang road (Figure 18&19).
There are green space in the middle of the river and Xingtang street, and some paths for people walk through the green space to enjoy the view of the river. Through field investigation, we found that the river was more than one meter deep and the water did not look clean. It is proved that the self-purification ability of river water is weak,and this is the result of a decrease in aquatic plant populations due to domestic water discharges in most cases。The depth of the river is more than one meter, and the hardiness of the revetment is also not conducive to the restoration of biodiversity (Chang, 2013).
Types of water
THROUGH QUESTIONNAIRE, the following is a survey of water use data for residents of LOTUS NO.1 community.
There are large commercial plaza like near the neighborhood for people live in this area to buy what they need. Also, in the center of the community there is a small market serves the residents. It’s very convenient for the old who can not move too far to buy the food, but the quality cannot be guaranteed, the food is not so fresh and the species is relatively single.
While visiting the site and evaluating the form of people, we found that the main resident live in this community are the old and the tenants. And people are more willing to cook by themselves at home or order takeout. We did a survey and collected some information of three aspect: the price of the food; the quality of the food; and where is the source of the food.
During the conversation with the residents, we found a local customs. When there is a marriage and funeral, the food will be concentrated in outdoor processing. The food is mainly vegetables, various aquatic products and poultry meat. Residents use HYDRANT-WATER to process food, and the processing environment is very bad. It has an impact on food safety and fire safety.
FIRSTLY, there is no safe and pleasant road network for pedestrians in the residential area. The permeability is not strong. Pedestrian-only roads is rarely very short and discontinuous, and scattered on the edge of the community (Figure 22), neglected maintenance, garbage covered, But these scattered roads pattern are easily connected to the small gates that the residents themselves have transformed. Three walking routes have no signposts or clear instructions and are mixed with lanes.
ACCORDING to Barton (2015), There are five design criteria for the measurement:
Can people be allowed to circle the green route to the major center of community?
ANALYSIS: Communities in the northwest are more dominant in green route, and there are no green routes in the southwest and east (Figure23).
Can people be allowed to circle the green route to the major center of community?
ANALYSIS: Communities in the northwest are more dominant in green route, and there are no green routes in the southwest and east.
It's really convenient?
FIRSTLY, the gate “broken fence” opened privately are only convenient for young people and other physically healthy people, however, for those disables and orderlies, there are dangers because of dangerous shuttle, uneven road surface, unreliable grip of railings).
SECONDLY, there are no blind roads in the community, some greening facilities and some roads have not set up ramps.
Will the sidewalk intersect with traffic flow?
ANALYSIS: As shown in the, most of the sidewalks overlap with the roadways. In interview, Residents also reflect that there are a lot of cars in the community. On the one hand, I think there are a lot of cars actually. On the other hand, they might often expose to the sight of the car, so they feel that there are many cars in the community.
Do you have a sense of security and surveillance?
ANALYSIS: There usually be an old resident sitting in front of each building of there is a small grocery at garage. Moreover, the buildings are not high and has windows on both sides.
Do they have Good lighting?
ANALYSIS: Trees around community are not high, only limited to the middle of several areas of trees are too high to block the line of sight.
Does it have weird border?
ANALYSIS: No. The community surrounded by rivers, roads and greenery.
Walking routes become places for people to gather and chat. On some roads, children will play together. Old people will chat on the road. They can talk all the time, but they are in danger of being interrupted.
Without special road signs and road features, pedestrian roads are made of bricks with many cracks.
1st Safety and convenience
ANALYSIS: There seems to be no priority for bicycles and electric cars around the corner on the road.
2nd Continuity from one specific location to another by bike
ANALYSIS: It takes about five minutes from the farther home to school according to Baidu map. It is very fast.
3rd Parking
ANALYSIS: sufficient parking place
4th Comfort: Is there a wider vision along the way
ANALYSIS: There is still a wide field of vision and sight on the road.
CAR- There is no positive restriction on the growth of vehicles
The parking space currently placed at the door of the house meets the requirements of a small number of car owners for parking safety and ease of use, to be honest, safety is the prime requirement of parking lots but it hurts the experience of the majority of pedestrians and children who like to play on the street. They have absolutely no other places except the few small parks in the community. The parents and the elderly with small children dare not let the children run around at street in front of the building, fearing that they will be hit by the vehicle accidentally.
ACCORDING to Sakurai et al. (2008, own translation from the Japanese text),Le Corbusier advocates functional urban planning theory, clearly defines “work”,“rest”,“residence”and “traffic”as urban functions in the Athens Charter (1928). Traffic, on the other hand, defined as transport, is the general term for the movement of places where people and things (traffic bodies)occur.
To start with the term “infrastructure”,which means the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly, for instance buildings, transport and water and power supplies; based on the “infrastructure”,we carried out another term “facility”: buildings, services and equipment that are provided for a particular purpose. This essay intends to propose a brief analysis about the facilities, especially the transportation and the public spaces of Lotus No.1 Village and consequently several recommendations will be offered.
FIGURE-#30 (basic facilities map of Lotus No.1 village)
As the basic map shows, the public transport system for lotus village is too monotonous, it means that there is an over-reliance of the bus route among the the majority of residents live in Lotus No.1 Village such as route 16,110 and 130. Additionally, the road system are not comprehensive integrated, this means that the pedestrians and vehicles shares the road system at most of the area not only at the gate of the residential area but also inside the community, this may lead to some security issues particularly among the olds and the youths.
- Appropriately using the idled public areas in the community to create an opportunity for residents to design their own community. This might improve the social interaction.
- Giving residents, especially the agrarian families, an opportunity to feel enthusiasm again via agricultural-related activities.
- Separate the pedestrianization away from the automobile road to improve the safety of the community.
- Designing a pedestrian street to connect the communities, it might also improve both the social cohesion and safety issue.
- To reconstruct the green space that are inefficient and add more benches around the park so the residents could use it for relaxing. Moreover, the park should be taking care by both the developers or the residents.
- In order to improve the biodiversity, it is recommended to build an agricultural land in the communities for the inhabitants to plant plants.
- Community should guarantee the power supply on the ground floor. Installing more sockets in the lumber rooms and build enough dedicated parking lots with charging equipment for electric bicycles.
- We found some wooden house used for preparing dinner for celebration in the community. The old people can cook there together and community provides natural gas instead of woods. In this way, air pollution, woods’ waste and potential danger can be minimized. In addition, this may can also promote interaction of the community.
- Government–supported business stand (scattered along the main road): offer space for informal economy such as snack selling, barbershop. it acts as public space for free-rent for various selling uses. It is required to locate the cars to specific parking lot for space saving purposes.
- Develop local enterprise trading system (LETS) by encouraging consumption and interaction among various groups. Promote local salary for more positive expectations for consumption ability; improve qualities of commodity. Small-scale enterprises should be cooperated for better interactions. So it is recommended to gather them physically in the center. The place should be offered or rented by government.
- Strengthen the publicity of the concept of garbage classification and recycling, especially for the elderly community.
- Improve the standard of community sanitation conditions, and improve residents' satisfaction with community sanitation.
- Reduce Water Run-off
- Alleviate the water-flow to the floor during the raining-day
- Create attraction
- Provide/purified the Green-Water
FIGURE-#20.1 (Baykal, 2010)
FIGURE-#20.2 (Baykal, 2010)
FIGURE-#20.3 (Baykal, 2010)
#2 Provide public WATER-FAUCET
#3 Provide a DINING-HOUSE with ability of processing food
- Reconstruction scheme of intermediate area.
- Put Speed Limit and add Zebra Lines between.
- Adding ramps to make elderly walking more convenient.
- Transforming a privately made door into a general small gate. Remove factors that may cause injury.
- For recommendations, the decision makers are strongly recommended to set up a community development committee to address the issues occurred during the regional development process. Additionally, for the transport facilities, it will eventually relieve traffic pressure around the community by building more bus stops around the community; also, promoting the traffic integration process like mix the bus stop, shared bicycle spot and parking lot together.
- For the security of the olds and the youths, promoting the process of separation of motor vehicles from non-motor vehicle lanes will be the core strategy.
Basic evaluation has been done to Lotus Village 1 to analyze the following criteria according to method of evaluating single plots of land. Different levels are defined in various colors to represent from low to high qualities (from red to blue). Biodiversity preforms best in evaluation though further needed design in configuration. Materials and facilities form the second level for the government effort in infrastructure placement and community planning. There are surge living conditions in the community but gaps between local and non-local still exist. Food and water are accessible in distance and reasonable in price while in bad environment while processing. Some water usages are still in potential healthy problems. There are sufficient, various and consistent energy supply but high waste in using. In local enterprises, employment status have received mixed responses, special economic landscape and exchanging and trading forms are of strong local characteristic in Lotus Village. For movement, there is invalid segregations between car flow and pedestrian. Some equipment was wrong placed in great potential risk for the disabled and the elderly, which has therefore received the lowest mark.
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