Human Resources Office offers a monthly newsletter for staff, in which includes updated information connected to Human Resources news and events of employment at XJTLU. HR associated policies and procedures are shared on the BOX under maintenance and updates on a regular basis. You are welcomed to share any news across campus by e-mail

HR Notice

  • Staff International Travel Application and Process

Welcome New Staff 

  • Useful Information for New Staff
  • Pandemic Prevention and Control Information

Highlights in June 2021

  • "Big Splash" Advertisement on Times Higher Education (THE)
  • Staff Training - Making High-Quality Decisions
  • Staff Training - Structured Thinking Workshop

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Dear Colleagues,

We hereby share with you the updated news regarding Staff International Travel Application and Process. In consideration on the current worldwide CoV-19 epidemic situation, China immigration policies and quarantine procedures, as well as the university teaching arrangements and operation schedules, Individual member of staff should submit application to seek permissions on their international travel.

Applications will be judged on following criteria including the purpose of international travel with supporting certificates or documents:

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  1. Staff who are eligible for bereavement leave to handle the funeral arrangements for an immediate family member*(require the relationship certificate and death certificate);
  2. Staff who are eligible for family matter’s leave to look after an immediate family member who is undergoing emergency treatment, going through critical surgery or suffering from serious illness (require the relationship certificate and critical illness certificate from hospital);
  3. Staff who are facing emergency sickness conditions and must go to overseas to receive medical treatment(require doctor's referral certificate from university recognized hospitals).

* Immediate family members include spouses, partners, parents, the spouse’s parents, grandparents and children.

If staff are not able to return before the proposed return date, they should seek for permissions on an extension of return date from HoD, Dean, VP in charge and VPA with acceptable reasons/supporting documents. Any unauthorized delay in returning will constitute absenteeism.

Please refer to Staff International Travel Application and Process for detailed information.
Human Resources Office

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HSS: Lingbo Shangguan
IBSS: Yidong Tao, Lin Yu, Yihan Luo, Jason Myrick
JITRI: Qinghua Yang
LM: Xinrong Xue, Xiaohui Zhu, Kankan Chen
MITS: Zhe Chen, Wendi Hu
RMO: Chang Liu
SAO: Weiyi Li, Qihao He, Xin Wu, Zexuan Chen
SAT: Xuchen Wang
Taicang: Junsong Chen


Welcome to XJTLU, we hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these troublesome times. Hereby we provide induction slides and information to help you understand our campus and the University. You may read through all slides, watch the videos and raise your questions here if there are any. All questions will be reviewed and answered by experts from the associated department.

Opening Speech and Induction Slides:

Please login with your XJTLU account to view the information below.

  1. Youmin Xi - Welcome and Overview by EP
  2. Chris Harris - VPAA Words of Welcome
  3. Stuart Perrin - XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)
  4. Other materials on New Staff Induction Page

Useful Links:

  1. Staff Handbook 
  2. University Academic Calendar
  3. Tax Rate (Individual Income Tax)
  4. Payroll Processing Schedule  
  5. Health Insurance, Claim Form, Insurance Training Videos
  6. Living in China

communicate.png If you have any questions, please use the contact information provided below.


Contact Information

Resources (BOX)

Human Resources Office


Campus Management Office


Finance Office


Management Information Technology and System Office

MITS for Staff

Health and Safety Affairs Office


University Marketing and Communications


Academic Services Office



盾牌 protect.pngPandemic Prevention and Control Information

Please pay attention to the latest Notice and Updates related to COVID-19 prevention and control shared by XJTLU Working Party for Corona Virus Disease 2019 Prevention and follow the related requirements strictly, in particular the travel restriction to the key areas impacted by the pandemic.

  1. University Useful Tips and Reminding (Updates on the Novel Coronavirus)
  2. China CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - Updated Weekly
  3. 24-hour Hotlines for Expats in SIP during the Period of Prevention and Control on Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus 
    • 英语 (English): 0512-66681812  
    • 日语 (日本語): 0512-66681529
    • 韩语 (한국어): 0512-66681802

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"Big Splash" Advertisement on Times Higher Education (THE) has launched to promote the staff recruitment activities in all disciplines, as well as part of the University 15th anniversary celebration. With the development of the University, our staff and faculty team is constantly growing with tremendous improving quality. We always strive to recruit high-quality staff members, so as to make a better contribution to the University development. Undoubtedly this “Big Splash” advertisement on THE can not only bring us some high-quality potential staff resources but also help demonstrate the good image of the University. For more details please refer to

Staff Training - Making High-Quality Decisions, which has been organised on 4th June, aims to help participants make decisions in the workplace more effectively and confidently.

Sound decision making in a complex environment requires more than just proposing or selecting the best alternatives or options. It needs to analyse potential problems or opportunities and make correct judgments based on the analysis.

Based on case analysis and simulation, it provided participants with a logical decision-making process and solves the key factors that lead to high-quality decisions in the workplace. Participants considered the plans and goals to be supported in the next 6 to 12 months, as well as the problems or opportunities that need to be addressed through analysis and judgment. Through a decision-making planning form, participants obtained the skills of identifying a series of factors that need to be considered in making a decision.

Participants gained the skills and confidence to generate options, compare them with important decision-making criteria and choose the best course of action. This will also help individuals avoid the pitfalls that often undermine high-quality decision-making.


Staff Training - Structured Thinking Workshop conducted on 11th June, is aiming to help those who would like to strengthen communication and presentation capacity to master the tools of infrastructure thinking, clarify the thinking mindset, build structured expression ways, and solve specific problems.

During the course, the instructor helped the participants understand and split their professional abilities through a triangular structure, so as to clarify their core competitiveness. Through the structure of Tianzige, the participants learned the key elements of the differences in thinking between the East and the West, which was of great significance for a multicultural organization. For complex scenarios and problems, the instructor also sorted out the starting point of complex problems in complex scenarios through the two-axis structure, which might help a lot in the problem-solving process. In addition, the life cycle structure of things, also helped us set up a second development route in advance to avoid being eliminated when the first development route goes downhill. This coincides with the development strategy of the University that is always updating and iterating.


For further information of staff training sessions, please refer to Staff Training Calendar AY2020-2021 Semester 2 with XJTLU intranet.  


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