Groups | 小组
Publications | 出版物
Peer-Reviewed papers | 同行评议论文
- Wang J, Xing J, Wang S, Mathur R, Wang J, Zhang Y, Liu C, Pleim J, Ding D, Chang X, Jiang J, Zhao P, Sahu S K, Jin Y, Wong D C, Hao J. 2022. The pathway of impacts of aerosol direct effects on secondary inorganic aerosol formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22(8):5147-56.
- 刘妍妍, 杨雷峰, 谢丹平, 泽仁央宗, 黄志炯, 杨俊, 赵鹏, 韩静磊, 贾文超, 袁自冰. (2022). 湖南省臭氧污染基本特征分析及长期趋势变化主控因素识别. 环境科学, 43(3).
Liu, Y.Y., Yang, L.F., Xie, D.P., Ze-Ren, Y.Z., Huang, Z.J., Yang, J., Zhao, P., Han, J.L., Jia, W.C. and Yuan, Z.B., 2022. Analysis of Ozone Pollution Spatio-temporal Evolution Characteristics and Identification of Its Long-term Variation Driving Factor over Hunan Province. EnHuan Jing ke Xue= Huanjing Kexue, 43(3), pp.1246-1255. - Pagani‐Núñez, E., Yan, M., Hong, Y., Zeng, Y., Chen, S., Zhao, P. and Zou, Y., 2022. Undergraduates' perceptions on emergency remote learning in ecology in the post‐pandemic era. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3), p.e8659.
- Han, L., Zhao, P. & Zetzsch, C.. 2021. Heterogeneous Reaction of OH Radicals with Terbuthylazine on Self-synthesized Silica Particles in an Aerosol Smog Chamber at Different Temperatures. Aerosol Science and Engineering, 5: 451–459.
- Zou, Y., Pan, S., Zhao, P., Han, L., Wang, X., Hemerik, L., Knops, J., van der Werf, W.. 2020. Outbreak analysis with a logistic growth model shows COVID-19 suppression dynamics in China. PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0235247.
- Zhao, P., Hammerle, A., Zeeman, M., Wohlfahrt, G.. 2018. On the calculation of daytime CO2 fluxes measured by automated closed transparent chambers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263, 267-275.
- Castelli, M., Anderson, M., Yang, Y., Wohlfahrt, G., Bertoldi, G., Niedrist, G., Hammerle, A., Zhao, P., Zebisch, M., Notarnicola, C. 2018. Two-source energy balance modeling of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands Remote Sensing of Environment, 209, 327 - 342.
- Zhao, P., and Lüers J.. 2017. Parameterization of Evapotranspiration Estimation for Two Typical East Asian Crops. Atmosphere 8 (6): 111.
- Zhao, P., Lüers, J., 2016. Improved data gap-filling schemes for estimation of net ecosystem exchange in typical East-Asian croplands. Science China Earth Sciences: 1–13.
- Huang, S., Wang, Y., Xie, Y., Zhao, P.✉, Lüers, J., 2016. OutlierFlag: A Tool for Scientific Data Quality Control by Outlier Data Flagging. Journal of Open Research Software, 4: e20.
- Lee, C.B., Kim, J.-C., Belorid, M., Zhao, P., 2016. Performance Evaluation of Four Different Land Surface Models in WRF. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 10: 42–50.
- Wohlfahrt, G., Hammerle, A., Niedrist, G., Scholz, K., Tomelleri, E., Zhao, P., 2016. On the energy balance closure and net radiation in complex terrain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 226–227: 37–49.
- Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Guo, W., Niu, T., Gong, S., Yin, Y., Zhao, P., Jin, J., Yu, M., 2008. Aerosol monitoring at multiple locations in China: contributions of EC and dust to aerosol light absorption. Tellus B, 60: 647–656.
- 赵鹏, 朱彤, 梁宝生, 胡敏, 康凌, 宫继成, 2006. 北京郊区农田夏季大气颗粒物质量和离子成分谱分布特征. 环境科学, 27(2): 193–199.
Zhao, P., Zhu, T., Liang, B., Hu, M., Kang, L., Gong, J., 2007. Characteristics of mass distributions of aerosol particle and its inorganic water-soluble ions in summer over a suburb farmland in Beijing. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 1: 159–165.
Books | 书籍
- Zhao P., 2023. Working with Data in Public Health: A Practical Way with R. Springer Singapore. Hardcover ISBN 978-981-99-0134-0. Softcover ISBN 978-981-99-0137-1. eBook ISBN 978-981-99-0135-7. 194 pp.
- 赵鹏, 谢益辉, 黄湘云. 2021. 现代统计图形. 人民邮电出版社, 北京, ISBN 9787115566904。304 页.Zhao, P., Xie, Y., Huang, X.. 2021. Modern Statistical Graphs. Posts & Telecom Press, Beijing 2021. ISBN 978-7-115-56690-4. 304 pp.
- 张晓春, 赵飞, 王垚, 欧阳俊, 杨素霞, 王东华, 刘雯, 童华, 李伟超, 荆俊山, 赵培涛, 赵鹏, 仝琳琳, 孙俊英, 张小曳, 2019: 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QXT 509-2019:GRIMM 180颗粒物浓度监测仪标校规范.
Zhao P. - 赵鹏, 李怡. 2018. 学R:零基础学习 R 语言. 研究出版社, 北京. ISBN 9787519902940. 343 页.
- 张晓春, 靳军莉, 贾小芳, 周怀刚, 苏永亮, 赵鹏, 孙俊英, 王亚强, 2015: 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QXT 271-2015:光学衰减法大气颗粒物吸收光度仪维护与校准周期.
Zhao P. - 张晓春, 郑向东, 汤洁, 赵玉成, 刘鹏, 靳军莉, 赵鹏, 2012. 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QX/T 172-2012: Brewer 光谱仪观测臭氧柱总量的方法. Zhang, X. C., Zheng X., Tang J., Zhao Y., Liu P., Jin J., Zhao, P.
- 张晓春, 赵鹏, 孙俊英, 张小曳, 2012. 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QX/T 173-2012: GRIMM 180 测量PM10、PM5和PM1 的方法.
Zhao P., Jin J., Sun J., Zhang, X. Y.. 2013. China Meteorological Professional Standards (QX/T 173-2012): Monitoring method of PM/PM/PM - 张晓春, 周凌晞, 徐晓斌, 孙俊英, 张小曳, 石春娥, 张苏, 靳军莉, 赵鹏, 2012: 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QX/T 174-2012: 大气成分站选址要求.
Zhao, P. - 张晓春, 赵鹏, 靳军莉, 孙俊英, 张小曳, 2011. 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QX/T 124-2011: 大气成分观测资料分类与编码.
Zhao, P. - 张晓春, 靳军莉, 赵鹏, 周凌晞, 孙俊英, 徐晓斌, 张小曳, 2011: 中华人民共和国气象行业标准QXT 132-2011:大气成分观测数据格式.
Zhao, P.
- Zhao, P., Foken, T., Lüers, J., 2014. GaFiR: a gap-filling package for ecosystem-atmosphere carbon dioxide flux and evapotranspiration data. University of Bayreuth, Department of Meteorology, ISSN 1614-8916, Work Report 59, 22 pp.
- Lüers, J., Detsch, F., Zhao, P., 2014. Application of a multi-step error filter for post-processing atmospheric flux and meteorological basic data. University of Bayreuth, Department of Meteorology, ISSN 1614-8916, Work Report 58, 22 pp.
- Babel, W., Schaller, C., Eigenmann, R., Foken, T., Hübner, J., Jentsch, A., Kreyling, J., Sultana, F., Zhao, P., 2013. Documentation of the EVENT-HMMS experiment 2012: microclimatological effects of rain-out shelters within EVENT II. University of Bayreuth, Department of Meteorology, ISSN 1614-8916, Work Report 55, 32 pp.
- Zhao, P., Lüers, J., Olesch, J., Foken, T., 2011. TERRECO WP 1-02: documentation of the observation period May 12th to Nov. 8th, 2010, Haean, South Korea. University of Bayreuth, Department of Meteorology, ISSN 1614-8916, Work Report 45, 43 pp.
Miscellaneous | 其他
- 2023-03. 畅谈 GhatGPT 在学界的应用. 统计之都(主站,公众号).
- 2022-12. 网页代替幻灯片——在线课堂演示的另一种方法. 西浦学习超市卓越教创中心.
- 2022-10. Webpage Instead of Slides: Another Way for Lecture Presentation. Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence.
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