The core of our company from the beginning was the tea ceremony, the way to appreciate the beauty of tea. It is also regarded as a kind of life art of cooking and drinking tea, a kind of life etiquette with tea as a medium, and a kind of life style of cultivating oneself with tea. Through making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, cultivating morality, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues, it is a very beneficial and beautiful ceremony. Drinking tea can calm the mind, calm the spirit, help to mold the mood, remove distractions. The spirit of tea ceremony is the core of tea culture.


Chinese Tea Ceremony

Chinese tea ceremony, “Cha Dao” in Chinese is not simply drinking of tea, it is the combination of brewing, smelling, drinking, and appreciation of tea. Traditional Chinese tea ceremony is usually held in formal occasions to welcome guests.
Chinese Tea Ceremony Steps
Step 1: Prepare Tea Set
To hold a Chinese tea ceremony, a full tea set is needed, including teapot, teacups, tea strainer, kettle, water, tea leaves, tray, tea leaf holder… Different tea sets should be prepared for different tea. For instance, white porcelain tea set is more often used for brewing and drinking green tea, and purple sand set is for red tea.

Step 2: Rinse Teapot and Teacups

Rinsing is to preheat tea sets as preheating can help fully release fragrance of tea.

Step 3: Heat Water

The spring water is the best and it should be boiled.

Step 4: Put Tea Leaves into Teapot

Use tea chopstick to move some tea leaves into the teapot. Usually, tea leaves should occupy 1/3 of the teapot.

Step 5: Wash Tea Leaves

Pour the hot water into teapot and stay for a few seconds, and then pour out water quickly from teapot to dump out the water of the first brew to remove dust or some impurities on the surface of tea leaves.

Step 6: Brew Tea

Refill the teapot with boiled water, cover it and stay for a few seconds to preserve aroma of the tea soup.

Step 7: Pour Tea Soup into Tea Cups

First, pour the tea soup into the large fair cup, shake it up and then pour the soup into smaller tea cups.

Step 8: Offer Tea Cups

Remember to serve the tea to guests with both hands to show respect.

Step 9: Smell and then Sip Tea

After getting the tea cup, one should sniff the aroma of tea soup, and then sip instead of swig to taste the flavor of the tea soup. 

Chinese Tea Ceremony Etiquettes

If you are the guests, please:
1. Receive the tea cup with both hands when being served with tea;
2. Show your admiration and gratitude to the host when smelling or drinking the tea soup;
3. Take a small sip of tea soup every time during the ceremony instead of drinking it up with one large gulp.
4. Dress properly to attend the tea ceremony as it is kind of official occasion. A suit of proper Chinese tea ceremony dress can be cheongsam or long dress for ladies; Chinese tunic suit or just suit for gentlemen.

If you are the hosts, please:
1. Serve the tea with both of your hands; 
2. Do not fill the teacup fully, in case the hot tea soup accidently hurt the guests;
3. Observe the tea cups of your guests and fill in them in time.
4. Dress neatly and decently.


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