Substance 3D Painter is a 3D painting software allowing you to texture and render your 3D meshes.

Features-Automatic UV Unwrapping

The automatic UV unwrapping allow to generate UV islands automatically when importing a 3D model. It can be used to paint on 3D model that don't have any existing UVs.

Enabling the automatic UV unwrapping



When creating a new project or re-importing a mesh into an existing project, make sure the setting "Auto-unwrap" is checked. If disabled, the process will be skipped and mesh UVs will remain as-is.

UV unwrapping settings



When importing a mesh and using the unwrapping process, the following settings are available. Some settings are available via the Options button in the interface.




Unwrap sequence


Controls if the seams (UV island borders) should be generated only for meshes that don't have them or always regenerated.

Possible values:

  • Generate missing data (default): Seams will be generated for meshes missing them.
  • Recompute all : Seams will be generated for all the meshes.

UV islands

Controls if the UV unwrapping should generated from meshes without UVs or for any meshes.

Possible values:

  • Generate missing data (default): UV unwrapping will be generated for meshes missing UVs.
  • Recompute all : UV unwrapping will be generated for all the meshes.


Controls the packing/layout of UV islands of the meshes.

Possible values:

  • Generate missing data (default): pack UV islands for meshes that were missing UVs.
  • Recompute all : pack all UV islands.

Layout customization

Margin size

Defines the spacing between UV islands. This setting applies a general percentage independent from the resolution.

Possible values:

  • No margin : 0%
  • Small (default): 0.2%
  • Medium : 0.5%
  • Large : 1%

UV island orientation

Control the orientation of the UV islands during the packing process.

Possible values:

  • Unconstrained (default): no constrain is applied to compute the orientation.
  • Align with 3D mesh: constrain the UV island to be oriented toward the mesh direction

UV Tiles

Maximum number of UV Tiles

If the UV Tiles workflow is enabled, this settings determine the maximum number of tiles to produce to distribute on the UV islands.



Avoid elongated UV islands

If enabled, this process will split UV islands considered too long to improve the usage of the texture space.

Example of before (top) and after (bottom):





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