

"Garden Surprise Dream" is a song of Kunqu opera "Peony Pavilion". Written by Tang Xianzu, a Chinese opera writer in the Ming Dynasty, the most fascinating story is the true and unreal love story of Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei. Du Liniang is deeply bound by the feudal ethics, one day, carrying her parents and the tutor of the tutor, and the maid Chun Xiang to the back garden spring, flowers and birds, touching the sad situation, after tired, back to the room to rest. In the dream and the scholar Liu Mengmei met in the garden, and there were many flower gods together to make a match for them. Du Liniang's mother came to the bed to wake up her daughter, the mother saw her daughter in a trance; Tell her to spend less time in the back garden. Although Du Liniang agreed, but the heart is still chasing the dream, soon unexpectedly depressed into illness. Dramatist Tang Xianzu's representative work "Peony Pavilion", has been adapted into various operas and sung for hundreds of years, "the beauty of the day, the joy of who's home", "love does not know the rise, a deep, the living can die, death can also live" words are popular. Kunqu Opera was a very popular opera in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the Peony Pavilion has always been a part of the repertoire of Kunqu opera. In The Peony Pavilion, the most fascinating love story between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei is true and unreal. Jujiu is taught in the Book of Songs. "Jujiu cage, in the river; My fair lady, a gentleman's mate." The word, Du Liniang began to feel sad, in with the girl to visit their own back garden after the feelings of spring injury, came back unexpectedly dream and a hand break willow son, in the garden there is a sense of clouds and rain, after waking up alone into the back garden to find a dream lover. Thus, there are several scenes in Kunqu opera "Peony Pavilion", such as Du Liniang's garden tour, surprise dream and dream seeking.




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