
This photo was shot when I'm working on Maya

Our teacher found a picture of an old building's gate on the internet as a reference and took us through the exercise of modelling the gate using Maya. The door contained many difficult points.

1. The first is the arched column that serves as the top of the door. To make it, first make a model of a circle that looks like a doughnut. Rotate it 90 degrees around the y-axis and then select its half and delete it. This is the first difficulty, because it is easy to make a mistake and difficult to notice, and if I continue without noticing it, it is one wrong step at a time.

2. Then there are the semi-circular doors and windows. The whole door was made by extruding the edges after the semi-circle was made, but it was easy to get an extra line to cause a bug in the subsequent cutting, and in order to make the fan fit the curved shape just made, an operation called magnetic suction was used here to resize it to the door frame. This is a very clever operation that I would have been applying manually if it had not been taught by my teacher.

3. When I have just built the two steps above, there are actually a lot of cutting lines on the scallops. In order to carve the pattern we need to remove many of them, leaving only the lines in the middle and on the sides. Then use the cutting tool to draw dots on the inside of the half circle by sight. This is annoying because it can't be accurately positioned, it can only be eyeballed, and then it's easy to make it look crooked or oddly shaped. But I can't waste too much time on it, so you just have to sketch it out when it's almost done.


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