Project Name

A quasi-experimental scenario-based study of the effect of using AI tools on self-regulation of learning

Project Description

The literature suggests that learners demonstrate various behavioural intentions in response to socio-cognitive conflicts when interacting in groups to develop new knowledge. However, socio-cognitive conflicts benefit learning because they are regulated through specific mechanisms to ensure that the conditions under which confronting diverging ideas results in positive cognitive and relational outcomes are met. This project investigates the effects of incorporating AI-driven tools and learning activities on learning self-regulation. A causality model is examined through a series of scenario -based quasi-experiments to determine the antecedents of collaborative behaviours that affect behavioural intentions towards resolving socio-cognitive conflicts.The study uses an immersive learning prototype supported by a VR immersive learning platform and a learning management system in lab settings to support the research design. 

Project Members

Project Leader: LeCorre,  JeanYves direction-sign.png(Researcher, University of Strasbourg, France)

Project Outcome


  • A mobility grant has been awarded by French German University to support the project in January- February 2025.

Funding Application:

  • A new funding application has been submitted to DAAD France.

Research Timeline:

  • The project is scheduled to start in September 2025 and will run for six months at Universität Konstanz, Germany.



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