AI and Learner Emotion

Project Name

AI and Learner Emotion

Project Description

The goal of this project is to investigate how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to improve our understanding of learner emotion in order to improve the student learning experience and learning outcomes. Emotions and learning are closely related with learner emotion having the potential for either a positive or negative effect, depending on the type of emotion and the context in which it is experienced. For example, positive emotions such as joy, excitement, and curiosity can enhance learning by increasing motivation, engagement, and attention. Negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, and boredom can hinder learning by reducing motivation, engagement, and attention. Being able to recognise and respond to learner emotion is key to fostering a supporting and engaging learning environment. This project aims to investigate how AI technology can improve the process for this type of emotionally empathetic learning support, particularly to improve our use of educational technologies where the normal channels for face-to-face recognition of human emotion may not be feasible.

Project Members

Project Leader: Craig, Paul direction-sign.png (School of Advanced Technology, XJTLU)

Project Members: 

Project Outcome



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