AI-Driven Model Development for Educational Advancement

Project Name

AI-Driven Model Development for Educational Advancement

Project Description

The project aims to develop specialized AI models for the education industry, with a focus on advancing teaching, learning, and administrative processes. Through collaborative efforts with experts and partners, we harness the power of AI technologies to optimize educational outcomes and create transformative tools. Our primary objective is to drive positive change in education by providing personalized learning experiences and streamlining administrative tasks.

Project Members

Project Leader: Liu, Jingxin direction-sign.png (School of AI and Advanced Computing, Entrepreneur College (Taicang), XJTLU)

Project Members: 

Project Outcome

Project Update:

The project is developing a virtual human to support teaching practice by assisting teachers in answering students' questions anytime, enhancing student-teacher interactions, and facilitating students' adaptation to Transnational Education. The AI methodology has been finalized and the latest DeepSeek model will be integrated. The final output will be a real-time interactive virtual human device. Master’s programme students will be involved in the project, with candidate selection set to be completed this semester.





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