Project Name
AI and Language Learning
Project Description
AI and language learning project aims to explore using AI, including Generative AI, to enhance learning languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, etc. We welcome teachers, researchers, institutions, schools, companies and investors to join us to develop and share AI resources, practice and research.
Project Members
Project Leader: Zou, Bin (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Project Members:
Department of Applied Linguistics
Liu, Tanjun (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Sun, Qingyang (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Wang, Luchang (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Wei, Dawei (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Yin, Hui (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Zhou, Qianqian (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Student members:
Chegnhao Wang (PhD student) (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
Fanyu Meng (PhD student) (Department of Applied Linguistics, XJTLU)
School of Languages
Chen, Xinyi (School of Language, XJTLU)
He, Huimin (School of Language, XJTLU)
Huang, Lulu (School of Language, XJTLU)
Xia, Ling (School of Languages, XJTLU)
Shen, Xuanying (School of Language, XJTLU)
Wang, Airong (School of Language, XJTLU)
Wu, Yao (School of Language, XJTLU)
Zhu, Chenyue (School of Language, XJTLU)
Yu, Chunmin (School of Language, XJTLU)
Project Outcome
Journal articles
- Mei F, Ma Q, Tang, J. & Zou, B, (2025) Exploring collaborative writing among large groups in online distance learning through a public forum and private chat tool. ReCALL, 37(1), 43–61. (SSCI: Q1: IF: 4.6) doi:10.1017/S0958344024000211.
- Jia, W., Zhang, L., Pack, A., Guan, Y., & Zou, B*. (2024). Digital game-based learning’s effectiveness on EFL learners’ receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. Language Learning & Technology, 28(1), 1–21. (SSCI: Q1: IF: 3.5)
- Zou, B. Lyu, Q. Han, Y. Li, Z, Zhang, W. (2023) Exploring students’ acceptance of an Artificial Intelligence speech evaluation program for EFL speaking practice: An application of the Integrated Model of Technology Acceptance. Computer Assisted Language Learning. (SSCI: Q1 IF: 6.0)
- Jia, W, Pack, A, Guan, Y. Zhang, L., & Zou, B*. (2023) The Influence of Game-Based Learning Media on Academic English Vocabulary Learning in the EFL Context. Computer Assisted Language Learning. (SSCI: Q1 IF: 6.0)
- Tao, Y. & Zou, B*. (2023) Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Kahoot! in English as a Foreign Language Classroom Learning Context. Computer-assisted Language learning (SSCI: Q1 IF: 6.0) 36:8, 1668-1687, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2021.2011323
- Zou, B., Guan, X., Shao, Y., Chen, P.(2023)Supporting Speaking Practice by Social Network-Based Interaction in Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Assisted Language Learning. Sustainability, (SSCI: Q2) 15 (4). 2872.
- Liu, T. & Chen, M. (2024) An Investigation Into Learners’ Cognitive Processes in Data-Driven Learning: Case Studies of Six Learners of Chinese. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics. 46 (4): 544-561
- Liu, T. & Gablasova, D. 2023 Data-driven learning of collocations by Chinese learners of English: a longitudinal perspective. Computer Assisted Language Learning. (SSCI: Q1 IF: 6.0)
- Sun, Q., (2024) Exploring human-Generative AI interaction in source use practices: Issues, trials and critical reflections. Journal of Academic Writing. 14, 1
Book chapters
- Zou, B. & Wang, C. H. (2024) Using an Artificial Intelligent Speaking Assessment Platform- EAP Talk to Develop EFL Speaking Skills. In B. Zou & T. Mathy (Eds.) English for Academic Purposes in the EMI Context in Asia: XJTLU Impact (pp:287-300). Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
- Wang, L., Zou, B., & Wang, C. (2024). Exploring Students' Perceptions of Online EAP Writing Courses in the EMI Context in Mainland China. In K. Prager & N. Bilge (Eds.), Digital Literacy at the Intersection of Equity, Inclusion, and Technology (pp. 224-249). IGI Global.
- You, Y., Zou, B., & Wang, C. (2024). Exploring the Students' Perception of Online Speaking Classes and Various Functions of Online Learning Platforms. In G. Morris & S. Kozuch (Eds.), Developments and Future Trends in Transnational Higher Education Leadership (pp. 208-228). IGI Global.
- Zhao, F., Zou, B., & Wang, C. (2024). A Comparative Study of Chinese EFL Teachers' Teaching Efficacy in the Online Teaching Mode. In G. Morris & S. Kozuch (Eds.), Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership (pp. 204-223). IGI Global.
Keynote/plenary speech
- Zou, B. (2024) Practice and Research of AI in enhancing Spoken English. Keynote speech at the Symposium of AI for Spoken English Teaching. 7 Dec 2024. XJTLU. China,
- Sun, Q. Y. (2024) Qualitative Research Methods in Language teaching and learning. Keynote speech at the Symposium of AI for Spoken English Teaching. 7 Dec 2024. XJTLU. China,
- Zou, B. (2024) Teaching, Research and Assessment in using AI for foreign Language Teaching. Keynote speech at the Symposium of the Development of Language Teachers from the Perspective of Education Power. 26-27 Oct 2024, Shanghai University, China.
- Zou, B. (2024) Research on the use of generative AI to promote spoken English dialogue. Keynote speech at the 3rd Forum of China Language, Literature and Scientific Research Association. 6-8 Sept 2024, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
- Zou, B. (2023) Using Artificial Intelligence Platforms for EFL learners to practice speaking skills. Keynote speech at 2023 International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. 10-12 Nov 2023. Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai.
- Zou, B. (2023) Interactions in the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based speaking practice in EFL Learning. Keynote speech at GloCALL & ChinaCALL 10-12 August, Inner Mongolia, China.
- Zou, B. (2023) Exploring the Enhancement of Foreign Language Teachers' Digital Literacy Competence in the Context of Artificial Intelligence. Keynote speech at Symposium on Coordination of Foreign Language Education across Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Levels. 2023.6.30-7.2, Chongqing, China. 人工智能背景下外语教师数字素养能力提升探讨.2023年大中小学一体化外语教育国际研讨会,主旨发言
Featured talk
- Zou, B. (2024) Application and research of AI to promote oral English teaching. Featured talk at 2024 Symposium of Language Skills Development and Assessment for AI. 19-20 Oct, 2024. Zhejing University, Hangzhou, China.
Invited talks
- Zou, B. (2024) Practice and Research of AI Promoting Oral English Teaching. Invited talk at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai. 13 Dec. 2024
- Zou, B. (2024) Using AI to Develop English Language Teaching and Research. Invited talk at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Shanghai. 19 Nov 2024.
- Zou, B. (2024) Research on AI in promoting foreign language teaching and publication in SSCI journals. Invited talk at ShenZhen University, China. 23 Sept. 2024
- Zou, B. (2024) How to Use AI to Promote Foreign Language Teaching and Research. Invited talk at Southern Science and Technology University, China. 24 Sept. 2024
- Zou, B. (2024) Improving EFL Learners’ Speaking Skills with AI and Spoken Corpora. Invited talk at Symposium 4, Technology-enhanced Language Learning and Teaching and Corpus-based Language Learning and Teaching (TeLLT & CoLLT) 2024 Conference, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3-5 July 2024.
- Zou, B. (2024) Opportunities and innovations in AI for EFL teachers. Invited talks at Teacher Training Workshop in using AI at Shanghai Shanghai Foreign Education Press, June 3 2024.
- Zou, B. (2024) The current development of AI in foreign language teaching. Invited talk at Shanghai University, May 7, 2024.
- Zou, B. (2024) Publishing computer-assisted language learning in SSCI Journals. Invited talk at Shanghai Jiaotong University, March 22, 2024.
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