Project Name
AI and Project Fair Allocation
Project Description
The aim of this project is to develop a personalized, and AI-assisted project recommendation system based on the Moodle fair allocation plugin to promote the effectiveness and satisfaction of students' Final Year Project learning experiences.
Project Members
Project Leader: Song, Pengfei (Department of Mechatronics and Robotics, School of Advanced Technology, XJTLU), Li, Na
(Academy of Future Education, XJTLU)
Project Members:
Lim, Eng Gee (Dean, School of Advanced Technology, XJTLU); Leach, Mark
(Deputy Dean, School of Advance Technology); Zhang, Xiaojun (Chief Officer of Education; Leader of Entrepreneur College (Taicang) Leadership Team; Executive Dean, Academy of Future Education; Acting Dean, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub, XJTLU);
Project Outcome
Research Grant:
- 2024 Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China Programme - General Programme 2024年度江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目
- 2024 Humanities and Social Science Program of Ministry of Education of PRC (MoE) Young Scientists Fund: Theoretical construction and empirical research on artificial Intelligence promoting fair allocation of project-based learning resources 2024年教育部人文社会科学青年基金:人工智能促进项目式学习资源公平分配的理论构建与实证研究
Journal paper:
- Li, N., Lim, E. G*., Leach, M*., Zhang, X*., & Song, P.* (2022). Role of perceived self-efficacy in automated project allocation: measuring university students’ perceptions of justice in interdisciplinary project-based learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 136.
- Yuan, H., Yuan, W., Duan, S., Yong, R., Jiao, K., Wei, Y., Leach, M., Li, N*., Zhang, X., Lim, E. G*., & Song, P*. (2024). Navigating the uncertainty: the impact of a student-centered final year project allocation mechanism on student performance. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1).
- Li, N., Lim, E. G., Leach, M., Zhang, X., & Song, P. (2022). University students' perceived self-efficacy and justice datasets in a PBL project allocation context at a Sino-British international university in China Mendeley Data.
Research outreach:
- Li, N., Lim, E. G., & Leach, M (2024). Practical strategies for overcoming challenges in interdisciplinary project-based learning.
- Li, N., Zhang, X., & Song, P. (2023). Students with strong self-belief are happier and more successful – as our study shows.
- Li, N., Lim, E. G., Leach, M., Zhang, X., & Song, P. (2022). 大学生学习公平性和自我效能感:教育技术支持下的自动化跨学科项目分配
Conference presentations:
- Li, N., Lim, E. G*., Leach, M*., Zhang, X*., & Song, P.* (2022). Using Moodle for Fair and Effective Project-Based Learning: a Case Study in China. The Learning Ideas Conference 2022.
Project Schedule
Data collection (Sep.2024-Nov. 2024):
- Collect data on students' perceptions of Al-guided FYP (Final Year Project) using a scale.
- Preliminarily organize the scale data for validation analysis in theoretical model construction.
Literature Review and Theoretical Model Construction (Dec. 2024 - Feb. 2025)
- Systematically review domestic and international literature on project-based learning resource allocation and Al applications in education.
- Build a preliminary theoretical model framework based on the scale data, using a grounded theory approach.
- Optimize the model logic and refine core elements (such as perceptions of fairness, self-efficacy, etc) through expert interviews.
System Development and Data Integration (Mar. 2025 - May 2025)
- integrate the collected FYP scale data with data from other dimensions (student abilities, project needs, etc.) to complete database construction.
- Develop an Al resource allocation system based on the theoretical model
Empirical Research (un.2025-Aug.2025)
- Deploy the FYP allocation system in universities for a small-scale pilot.
- Evaluate the system's effectiveness through questionnaires (on perceptions of fairness, satisfaction) and in depth interviews (with teachers and students for feedback), and collect experimental data.
- Optimize the system logic based on experimental data to enhance fairness and efficiency.
Outcome summary and Paper Writing (Aug.2025 -Oct. 2025)
- Integrate experimental data and user feedback for paper writing.
- Complete a draft of an empirical research paper (targeting the British Journal of Educational Technology for submission).
- Make the dataset publicly available (on the Mendeley platform) and open-source the system code (on GitHub).
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