Human Resources Office offers a monthly newsletter for staff, in which includes updated information connected to Human Resources news and events of employment at XJTLU. HR associated policies and procedures are shared on the BOX under maintenance and updates on a regular basis. 


♦ Holiday Reminder - Mid-Autumn Festival

♦ Highlights in August 2022

♦ Welcome New Staff 

♦ Pandemic Prevention and Control Information



Dear Colleagues,

Please be kindly reminded that the University will be closed on

  • 9th September 2022 for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Please click here to view the University 2022-2023 Academic Calendar and make your work arrangement accordingly.

Due to the need for epidemic prevention and control of the University, it is highly recommended to pay close attention to the latest Notice and Updates shared by XJTLU Leading Task Force for Pandemic Prevention and Control and follow the relevant requirements strictly.

Thank you for your attention.

Midautumn festival poster


High Lights in AUGUST 2022 (550 × 100, 像素).png


Staff Training - New Staff Onboarding Orientation Training has launched at the beginning of July and is now run as a routine programme on Mondays. As part of the new staff onboarding project, it is aiming to provide new staff with all-around care, guidance and support in their early stage of the new appointment and promote University culture and increase staff engagement and commitment.

During the orientation training, new staff would obtain an overall introduction to the University, including but not limited to the development history of XJTLU, the uniqueness of XJTLU and some tips for them to get settled at XJTLU.







AIAC (Taicang): Siqi Huang, Yuxuan Zhao
AoFE: Benazir Quadir
CCTC: Chenxi Song, Pei Guo, Yuzhou Chen, Zhaohui Wu
CMO: Jiewen Bian
HEXIE: Qingwei Wang
HSS: Francesco Macheda, Julie Bilby, Liu Cao, Tian He, Tingting Hu
IBSS: Gengyang Tu, Jui-chuan HsuJui-chuan Hsu, Lei Zhang, Qian Luo, Qianyao Huang, Qin Su, Ran Ma, Ruomei Wang, Soljee Lee, Steven Dellaportas, Yini Wei, Yitian Xie, Zhe Lin
IFB (Taicang): Yicheng Wang, Zhi Xie
IME (Taicang): Yue Yang
IOT (Taicang): Wenzhang Zhang
LIB: Siyin Pang, Yichen Zhang
LTMO: Hongyun Zhu, Mengyan Zhang, Xin Yan
MITS: Chongpu Liu, Weidong Zhao, Zhu Rui
Museum: Jianeng Yang
REG: Hongjuan Ji


SAO: Hanjia Zhu, Min Guo, Weiwei Pan, Wenjing Zhang, Wu Hao, Ying Zhu, Yue Ding, Yue Zhang
SAT: Dapeng Dong, Pengfei Fan, Qian Dong, Qinglei Bu, Teng Ma, Wanxin Li, Yihong Wang, Yu Liu
SCI: Chen Yang, Eben Goodale, Fubiao Niu, Linxiao Xu, Paul-Henry Leemann, Uromi Goodale, Xuan Xue, Xuan Yu, Yuhang Liu
SCT (Taicang): Alvaro Collar, Andrew O'Dowd, Isadora Petrauskas, Luciano Zubillaga
SoFTA: Karolina Pawlik, Tianzuo Shi, Yang Liu, Yao Ge, Yibin Yu, Yiran Yu
SoL: Jiahang Li, Jiaming Chen, Jinyang Song, Lingli Hu, Matthew O'Brien, Mingtian Xu, Oliver Jarvest, Shizheng Liu, Svetlana Sladakovic, Xiaxin Xiao, Xinyi Chen, Xinyu Gu, Xinyuan Lyu, Xu Liu, Ya Zhang, Ying Liu
TCO (Taicang): Jie Song, Juehong Gu, Yiqi LI
TEST: Yuanchun Wang
TTK: Lushiyu Sun
UMC: Xinyi Ling



Welcome to XJTLU, we hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these troublesome times. This email provides induction materials and information to help you understand our campus and the University. You may log in with your XJTLU account to watch the videos and read through all slides. Should you have any questions, please kindly raise them here or address them to the University Functions listed below. All questions will be reviewed and answered by experts from the associated department.



Messages from.png.1

During the New Staff Induction, members of the Senior Management Team have expressed their warm welcome to our new staff and given a general overview of the University. Please check out the welcome messages for XJTLU new staff from members of SMT.



Welcome by EP (Video)


I would like to warmly welcome you to XJTLU and I am pleased that you have chosen to join our community. With best practice and excellent performance you'll find your decision to work at XJTLU was one of the best decisions you've ever made!

 Professor Youmin Xi

Executive President, XJTLU


Welcome by VP (Video)


Welcome to join XJTLU! I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you and hope you will have a wonderful life at XJTLU!


Professor Qiuling Chao

Vice President For Student Affairs and Information, XJTLU


Welcome by VP (Video)


Welcome to XJTLU! We wish you success in the new job and hope you have a bright future!



Dr. Yimin Ding

Vice President For Administrative Affairs, XJTLU

new staff induction.png.1

New Staff Induction is generally conducted at the beginning of each semester to assist new staff to settle into the workplace. It covers General Session for all new staff and Academic Session for new academic staff specific in learning and teaching. Before the formal induction, new staff may also refer to the Pre-reading materials on New Staff Induction Page to obtain a better understanding of the University Functions and their services.  Below is the Agenda of New Staff Induction (Semester1, AY2022-2023) for your reference. 

Date & Time:

  • General Session  9:00am – 12:00pm, 7th September 2022
  • Academic Session   10:00am – 3:30pm, 8th September 2022

Venue: G23W, Central Building


Time Slot

     Induction Topic


Day 1 -

General Session

9:00 am – 10:00 am

Welcome and Overview by EP

Prof. Youmin Xi

Executive President of XJTLU

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Opening from VP for Student Affairs and Information

Prof. Qiuling Chao

Vice President for Student Affairs and Information

                                                                                                     Coffee Break - 10 Min

10:40 am – 11:10 am

Opening from VPHR

Dr. Yimin Ding

Vice President for Administrative Affairs

11:10 am – 11:40 am

XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)

Prof. Stuart Perrin

Associate Principal, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)

11:40 am – 12:00 pm

Q&A Session

Representatives from General Session

Day 2 -

Academic Session






Supporting Session

10:00 am10:30 am

University Learning and Teaching

Prof. Zhoulin Ruan

Associate Vice President of Education

10:30 am11:00 am

University Research

Prof. Fei Ma

Associate Vice President of Research and Impact

11:00 am11:30 am

Academy of Future Education

Dr. Xiaojun Zhang

Executive Dean, Academy of Future Education

11:30 am12:00 pm

Centre for Academic Affairs

Chuanhui Zhu

Director of Centre for Academic Affairs

                                                                                                           Lunch Break

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Learning and Teaching (EDU)

Charlie Reis

Director of Educational Development Unit

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Learning Mall

Representatives from Learning Mall

* The Academic Session and Supporting Session are optional for Professional Services Staff.

* For those who can’t be able to enter the campus due to special circumstances, you may join us online (Zhumu ID: 624 506 366).

Useful Contact Information for New Staff



1. Latest COVID-19 Testing Arrangement On Campus 

Coronavirus update conceptExtended service hours of COVID testing in the Sunken Plaza 

  • Starting from August 30th, the COVID testing time in the Sunken Plaza of North Campus will extend 1 hour. The testing period is from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on a daily basis.   

XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) opens COVID testing site

XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) testing site will be open on September 1st. Please take your Chinese ID card (or an original copy or clear photo of the Chinese ID card) for information input. Relevant reminders are as follows:

  • Testing ONLY opens to: XJTLU staff, students and campus service supporting personnel;
  • Testing time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on a daily basis;
  • Testing site: Beside the bridge between Residential Area and Teaching Area (shown in the following photo and schematic plan). 

2. 'Three-code-in-one’ System Upgrade

In accordance with the policy requirements of the local government, and to further simplify and improve the efficiency of entry to campus and buildings, the XJTLU three-in-one function will be upgraded. It has been officially launched on August 29th, and also be put into use at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang). The negative nucleic acid test result will replace the Jiangsu Health Code to be incorporated into the three-code-in-one function. 

3. 24-hour Hotlines for Expats in SIP during the Period of Prevention and Control on Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus

  • 英语 (English): 0512-66681812
  • 日语 (日本語): 0512-66681529
  • 韩语 (한국어): 0512-66681802

4. National Health Commission of the PRC – Updated Daily in Chinese

5. China CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

6. University Updates on Covid-19


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