Human Resources Office offers a monthly newsletter for staff, in which includes updated information connected to Human Resources news and events of employment at XJTLU. HR associated policies and procedures are shared on the BOX under maintenance and updates on a regular basis. You are welcomed to share any news across campus by e-mail


♦ Highlights in June 2022

♦ Welcome New Staff 

♦ HR Notice - Reminder of Staff Annual Leave Carryover from AY21/22 to AY22/23

♦ Pandemic Prevention and Control Information






New Manager Onboarding Programme AY2021-2022 was successfully completed on 28th June 2022. In addition to the general course delivered by Dr. Chiachi Chang, Assistant Professor in Organizational Psychology of IBSS, there were Guest Speakers sharing their experience and wisdom with the new people managers, as the special design of the programme.



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Dr. Xin Bi, Director of Centre for Knowledge and Information gave a speech on the topic of “Lead and Drive”. When it comes to the challenges of being a new people manager, Dr. Xin Bi gave a systematic introduction to MBAR2, the key management techniques and skills of the University. The MBAR2 stands for Management by Objective (MBO目标导向的管理), Budget Constrained Operation (BCO预算框架内的运作), ABC Analysis and Roles Back Up (ABC 分析和角色替补), Result Based Management (RBM基于结果的管理) and Routing Case-study Meeting (RCM案例分析例会). Participants were inspired and given fresh ideas to address the challenges they might face in the workplace.

Dr. Eddy Fang, Deputy Dean of International Business School Suzhou shared his 10 years of professional experience at XJTLU and had in-depth discussions with the participants on topics such as “Bridging East and West", "Coping with Growth and Innovation" and "Crisis Management". During his sharing, the participants were able to absorb some management experience through a lot of cases, which they could use as a reference in their future work.

Ms. Pinpin Jiang, School Manager of International Business School Suzhou shared her management experience from the perspective of Professional Services. Through her own practical experience, she explored with the participants "what we would have liked most from our line manages as team members" and used this as the basis for her sharing. This resonated with the participants, who also provided a lot of thoughts from their perspectives.



At the end of the programme, Ms. Elaine Zhang, Sr. Human Resources Manager attended the last session and expressed her best wishes to the participants for their graduation and their future development at XJTLU.

Some of the participants were joining the training online through Zhumu from abroad and in other cities in China. They also engaged in the whole programme, shared their experiences and insights with their “classmates”, and attended the Graduation Ceremony together with the on-site participants. From the perspective of the organisation team, we sincerely hope that all participants have obtained knowledge and skills that will help them in their career development.

Exploring Change Workshop was conducted on 22nd June 2022, providing a dialogue and case-study simulation about change, which is a general topic in the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). Participants gained a clear understanding of the factors involved in change, so they could recognize what was happening in a change scenario and assess what to do (or not to do) to support the process. It helped to build a common language and collective insight to help participants themselves and those around them to change effectively, ultimately increasing the return on investment for transformation initiatives through the teams and even the divisions and the whole organization.






AoFE: Dan Sun, Linwei Li, Xinyu He, Yeqi Zhou
AoPHA: Yimin Wan
ASO: Changrui Zhang
CMO: Cheng Shi
DES: Tianhong Gu
EEH: Antonio Benitez Garcia
HeXie: Jing Wu
HSS: Xiaomeng Tong
IBSS: Liang Fu, Vi Cao, Zhaoran Gong
IME (Taicang): Kazi Mostafa
IOT (Taicang): Karim Moussa, Olukunle Mobolaji Akinola
LIB: Qi Zhou, Xiangxiang Dong
LM: Anyi Yu


LTMO: Enqing Cui, Fangui Zeng, Jia Liu, Shihao Wang, Yu Kong, Yue Wang
MITS: Qian Cheng, Zhining Han
REG: Biyao Zhang
REIO: Sisi Liu
RMO: Huishu Li
SACDO: Yachao Lv
SAT: Yin Cao
SCI: Xinzhao Tong
SoL: Ohee Kalam
SOU: Shenqian Zhang
TCO (Taicang): Qin Xie, Shengnan Gong
XGS: Hanming Huang




Greeting New Staff,

Welcome to XJTLU, we hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these troublesome times. This email provides induction materials and information to help you understand our campus and the University. You may log in with your XJTLU account to watch the videos and read through all slides. Should you have any questions, please kindly raise them here or address them to the University Functions listed below. All questions will be reviewed and answered by experts from the associated department.



Messages from Senior Management Team

During the New Staff Induction, members of the Senior Management Team have expressed their warm welcome to our new staff and given a general overview of the University. Please check out the welcome messages for XJTLU new staff from members of SMT.



Youmin Xi

Welcome by EP (Video)



VPAA Words of Welcome (Video)



Welcome by VP (Video)


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Welcome by VP (Video)



I would like to warmly welcome you to XJTLU and I am pleased that you have chosen to join our community. With best practice and excellent performance you'll find your decision to work at XJTLU was one of the best decisions you've ever made!

 Professor Youmin Xi

Executive President, XJTLU


Welcome to XJTLU! I would like to thank you for making the connection between your career development and XJTLU and hope that your work and life here will be better and your success more sustainable. 

 Professor Chris Harris

Vice President For Academic Affairs, XJTLU



Welcome to join XJTLU! I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you and hope you will have a wonderful life at XJTLU!

 Professor Qiuling Chao

Vice President For Student Affairs and Information, XJTLU


Welcome to XJTLU! We wish you success in your new job and hope you have a bright future!

 Dr. Yimin Ding

Vice President For Administrative Affairs, XJTLU



New Staff Induction

New Staff Induction is generally conducted at the beginning of each semester to assist new staff to settle into the workplace. It covers General Session for all new staff and Academic Session for new academic staff specific in learning and teaching. Before the formal induction, new staff may also refer to the Pre-reading materials on New Staff Induction Page to obtain a better understanding of the University Functions and their services. 


About Learning & Teaching

Some new staff have occasionally been asked to begin teaching without much chance to get to know how we approach learning, teaching, assessment, as well as use digital tools to support learning. Educational Development Unit (EDU) will offer regular professional development session to newly hired staff. 

There will be an ongoing session for new staff at 9:00 AM on the first Friday of each month. For more details, please contact

Useful Contact Information for New Staff

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Attention attraction. important announcement or warning, information sharing, latest news. loudspeaker, megaphone, bullhorn with exclamation mark. vector isolated concept metaphor illustration Free Vector Reminder of Staff Annual Leave Carryover from AY21/22 to AY22/23

Please kindly note that the annual leave carryover from AY2021-2022 to AY2022-2023 is allowed with up to 15 days due to the COVID-19 prevention and control. You may find the announcement through the notice sent previously.

While arranging your schedule, it is recommended to pay close attention to the latest Notice and Updates shared by XJTLU Leading Task Force for Pandemic Prevention and Control and follow the relevant requirements strictly.

You may also refer to the notice here for more details.








1. Vaccination Service
The University is communicating with the local government to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to XJTLU staff and students who are currently in Suzhou. For those who are currently in Suzhou and have completed the Survey of Vaccination Demand for Staff released by XJTLU Leading Task Force for Pandemic Prevention and Control on 27th June 2022, please wait until the following notice. The university will report the survey results to the local government and update you on the vaccination arrangements via email upon confirmation with the government.

2. Reminder of Daily Completion of Staff Health Reports

Please be kindly reminded to continue to complete the Health Report every day before 12:00 p.m. on a daily basis until further notice. To fill in the Health Report Daily, you can access from either one of the followings:



3. 24-hour Hotlines for Expats in SIP during the Period of Prevention and Control on Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus

  • 英语 (English): 0512-66681812
  • 日语 (日本語): 0512-66681529
  • 韩语 (한국어): 0512-66681802

4. National Health Commission of the PRC – Updated Daily in Chinese

5. China CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

6. University Updates on Covid-19

Covid 19 instagram template, vector guidance prevent the spread Free Vector



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