Human Resources Office offers a monthly newsletter for staff, which includes updated information connected to Human Resources news and events of employment at XJTLU. HR associated policies and procedures are shared on the BOX under maintenance and updated on a regular basis. You are welcome to share any news across campus by e-mail


♦ Holiday Reminder

  1. University Closed Days During 2022 Spring Festival
  2. 2022 Spring Festival Holiday Campus Safety and Pandemic Prevention and Control Emergency Contact List

♦ HR Notice

  1. Individual Income Tax for Taxable Year 2022
  2. Salary Adjustment Scheme Y2022
  3. Announcement for Policy Updates

♦ Pandemic Prevention and Control Information

♦ Welcome New Staff 

  1. Reminder of New Staff Induction_AY2021-2022 Semester 2
  2. Useful Information

♦ Highlights in January 2022


Dear Colleagues,

Please be kindly reminded that the University will be closed from 31st January to 4th February for the 2022 Spring Festival. Please click here to view the University AY21/22 Academic Calendar and make your work arrangement accordingly.

Due to the need for epidemic prevention and control of the University, it is highly recommended to pay close attention to the latest Notice and Updates shared by XJTLU Working Party for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and follow the relevant requirements strictly. Please kindly refer to the designated contact person of your Office/Department/School and the HR pandemic coordinator via the link below.

Thank you for your attention.

Wish you a happy and safe holiday.

2022 西浦 新年壁纸.jpg


Dear Colleagues,

We hereby share with you the updated news regarding Individual Income Tax for Taxable Year 2022, the Salary Adjustment Scheme Y2022 and the Announcement for Policy Updates which were released in January 2022.

tax.png For foreign colleagues, as the renewed preferential tax treatment-the Chinese tax authorities have announced a 2-year extension of the tax-free benefits (housing, children's tuition, language training) which were due to expire on 31st December 2021. The announcement was made by the Ministry of Finance in the evening of 31st when we were off work for the New Year celebration. And you must have been reached by HR C&B allowance officer for the next payment options of your allowances (if have). For more details please refer to the notice Follow up on HR Notice-Individual Income Tax for Taxable Year 2022.

pay-day.png As you may know, salary adjustments for the year 2022 are effective from the 1st January 2022. The annual salary adjustment for the year 2022 will include the combination of Inflation-based salary increment, Annual Performance Management(APM)-based salary raise and Promotion.  For detailed information please refer to the notice Salary Adjustment Scheme Y2022.

open-book.pngPlease kindly note that there are some new/updated policies as well as notices issued by HR. Policies have been approved by the SMT and are implemented as of the effective date. For more details please refer to the notice Announcement for Policy Updates.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Please pay attention to the latest Notice and Updates related to COVID-19 prevention and control shared by XJTLU Working Party for Corona Virus Disease 2019 Prevention and follow the related requirements strictly, in particular the travel restriction to the key areas impacted by the pandemic.

24-hour Hotlines for Expats in SIP during the Period of Prevention and Control on Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus 

  • 英语 (English): 0512-66681812
  • 日语 (日本語): 0512-66681529
  • 韩语 (한국어): 0512-66681802

National Health Commission of the PRC – Updated Daily in Chinese

China CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - Updated Weekly

University Useful Tips and Reminding (Updates on the Novel Coronavirus)




AIAC (Taicang): Jasmine Kah Phooi SENG, Qi Chen
AoFE: Michael Day
CMO: He Liu, Sisi Zhang, Tong Zhang, Xiaowei Zhao, Yue Cui, Yuwei Song
DES: Giancarlo Di Marco, Virginia De Jorge Huertas
HR: Yuqing Cao
HSAO: Zhihua Song
IBSS: Fangfang Hou, Roubing Yao, Tianshu Li, Yao Fu
ILEAD: Dongni Xie, Lin Qi
IRE (Taicang): Fan Zhu
LIB: Heng Zhou, Tingting Qian, Yu Liu
LTMO: Libin Wang, Shiyan Wang
MITS: Yujie Lu
PO: Jie Ma
REG: Yun Ding
SAT: Chengtao Ji, Dongyao Jia, Nan Xiang, Xiaofei Yang, Yushan Pan, Yushi Li
SCI: Konstantinos Douroudis, Meng Ding
SCT (Taicang): Myria Christophini
SoL: Mika Takewa, Peizhen Boo
TCO (Taicang): Hongyang Yin, Xiangxue Song, Xiaoyuan Sun, Zhaolun Wang
TTK: Yuhan Ge
UMC: Catherine Emma Diamond, Ming Tang, Shaofei Wang


Greeting New Staff,

Welcome to XJTLU, we hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these troublesome times. This email provides induction materials and information to help you understand our campus and the University. You may log in with XJTLU account to watch the videos and read through all slides. Should you have any questions, please kindly raise them here or address them to the University Functions listed below. All questions will be reviewed and answered by experts from the associated department.


Reminder of New Staff Induction_AY2021-2022 Semester 2

Please kindly be informed that the New Staff Induction for AY2021-2022 Semester 2 will be organised in the morning of 16th February & 17th February 2022, commencing at 9:00 AM (China Standard Time). It will be organised via Zhumu online due to the requirements of pandemic prevention and control for staff members. Please click the link below to participate accordingly.

  1. General Session: Wednesday, 16th February 2022, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  2. Academic Session: Thursday, 17th February 2022, 9:00 am – 11:20 am

For more details, please click here to view the New Staff Induction Schedule.



Messages from Senior Management Team

welcome by EP.jpg.1



During the New Staff Induction, members of the Senior Management Team have expressed their warm welcome to our new staff and given a general overview of the University. Please check out the welcome messages for XJTLU new staff from members of SMT as below.



New Staff Induction Speech and Slides

New Staff Induction is generally conducted at the beginning of each semester to assist new staff to settle into the workplace. It covers General Session for all new staff and Academic Session for new academic staff specific in learning and teaching. Before the formal induction, new staff may also refer to the Pre-reading materials on New Staff Induction Page to obtain a better understanding of the University Functions and their services. Please kindly view the video recordings of the New Staff Induction AY2021-2022, Semester 1 as follows.





    General Session

    Academic Session

Please login here with your XJTLU account to view more videos and slides.



Human Resources Related Guidance

We hereby provide new staff with some quick channels to the University management rules and regulations, as well as some guidance on your work and life in XJTLU.

open-book.png Staff Handbook
timetable.png University Academic Calendar
pay-day.png Payroll Processing Schedule
tax.png.1 Tax Rate (Individual Income Tax)
search.png.1 Online Health Insurance Seminar, Claim Form
idea (1).png Living in China (for Expat Staff) 




Useful Contact Information for New Staff

If you have any questions, please use the contact information provided below. You may also access the digital resources shared with staff members via BOX (XJTLU Campus Cloud Storage System), which provides unified and centralized storage by meeting various storage needs across campus.

contact info.png




In January 2022, three training programmes were conducted, Cross-cultural Communication Workshop, Staff Winter English Course and Laboratory EHS Risks Prevention and Control Training, which marked the end of the semester's staff training activities. 




Cross-cultural Communication Workshop was held on 7th January 2022, to help participants match in a general thinking mode when they communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Habit, taboo, or custom is usually thought of as the major content that should be aware of during cross-cultural communication. However, these elements might not be the key reason if a culture conflict occurs, because you might be easily forgiven if you make mistakes. The hidden fire for the tension or conflict is “thinking mode”, which is consist of four dimensions, behaviour criteria, communication style, the concept of time, and self-awareness.
During this workshop, participants discovered the root of cultural clash, shared their thoughts on “THE world” and “YOUR world”, and came to a conclusion that there is no universally right answer, just many subjective truths.


Staff Winter English Course lasted from 17th January to 20th January 2022. This training programme focuses on the combination of written English and verbal English, building a strong practising environment for the participants.
In order to improve the participants’ capabilities on critical thinking and language skills, the Instructor organised a mini-debate game. All the participants had group discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of a specific motion, dug their thoughts deeper into ideas and shared with the groups using discussion language.
For further self-learning and practice, you may refer to the training materials here.


Staff Training - Laboratory EHS Risks Prevention and Control was a series of training focused on the environmental, health and safety management of the laboratories. From 11th January to 14th January 2022, about 70 staff members from Laboratorial and Technical Management Office participated in this training.
They obtained various kinds of EHS risk prevention and control skills, including but not limited to the specifications for the use of laboratory equipment, handling emergencies, and checking the potential safety issues in the laboratory. During the training, participants were highly reminded that although risks are objective, they can be avoided and minimised through calm treatment.

For more training opportunities, please stay tuned for Staff Training Calendar Semester 2 of AY2021-2022 to be released at the beginning of the upcoming semester via UC. 


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