Human Resources Office offers a monthly newsletter for staff, in which includes updated information connected to Human Resources news and events of employment at XJTLU. HR associated policies and procedures are shared on the BOX under maintenance and updates on a regular basis. You are welcomed to share any news across campus by e-mail


♦ HR Notice - To Foreign Employees: 2021 PRC Individual Income Tax ("IIT") Amendment Filing & Annual Reconciliation Filing of Comprehensive Income

♦ Pandemic Prevention and Control Information

♦ Highlights in November 2021

♦ Welcome New Staff 


Dear colleagues,

As you may know, according to the new IIT Law, for a foreign individual who is preliminarily estimated at the beginning of the year to stay in Mainland China for 183 days or more in the year, his/her provisional monthly PRC IIT is calculated and reported with China tax resident approach, i.e. cumulative-salary-based tax calculation method.

  • If the individual's physical presence in China is actually less than 183 days, i.e. being a non-resident of the year, the monthly PRC IIT returns shall be amended before January 15th of the following year if certain criteria are met.
  • Resident individuals are required to perform a new annual IIT reconciliation filing of comprehensive income before June 30th of the following year if certain criteria are met.

Under the new IIT law and implementation rule for 2021 PRC IIT amendment filing due to tax residency change from resident to non-resident & annual IIT reconciliation filing, individual taxpayers have self-reporting obligation and are responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the information reported to the tax authorities. Please kindly click the link below for more details.

 Thank you for your attention.


Please pay attention to the latest Notice and Updates related to COVID-19 prevention and control shared by XJTLU Working Party for Corona Virus Disease 2019 Prevention and follow the related requirements strictly, in particular the travel restriction to the key areas impacted by the pandemic.

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24-hour Hotlines for Expats in SIP during the Period of Prevention and Control on Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus


  • 英语 (English): 0512-66681812
  • 日语 (日本語): 0512-66681529
  • 韩语 (한국어): 0512-66681802

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National Health Commission of the PRC – Updated Daily in Chinese
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China CDC (Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) - Updated Weekly

盾牌 protect.png.1 University Useful Tips and Reminding (Updates on the Novel Coronavirus)










University Staff Learning Day, which aims to embrace a knowledge sharing and life-long learning culture within the context of the University, has been conducted on 24th November 2021 at X-Bar, South Campus. During this one-day event, seven workshops with different topics were shared by experts from different functions of the University.


Prof. Qiuling Chao, Vice President for Student Affairs and Information, has shared with us on the topic of Organizational Building and Execution 组织建设与执行力. When describing the importance of execution for our organisations and individual contributors, various practical examples were cited to help participants understand the complex concepts and impacts. Prof. Qiuling Chao also provided some advice on how to improve organizational and individual execution in the context of our University.

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Jing Wang, Deputy Director of Learning Mall and Zhiqin Yang, Business and Product Manage of Learning Mall, have delivered a session on The Trend of Online Education and Lifelong Learning在线教育与终身学习趋势.

Different from traditional learning models, the Internet has created a new possibility for people to learn. In this sharing session, the speakers presented the usefulness and difficulties of continuous learning in real-life scenarios from the user's perspective. In combination with the access to Learning Mall, the participants could obtain some fresh ideas about their self-development.

Li Lu, Associate Circulation Librarian, Library, provided a sharing on the topic of Information Visualization-The Logic of PowerPoint Design 信息可视化-PowerPoint设计的逻辑语言. In this session, he demonstrated the key points of information processing, which is essential to develop an outstanding PowerPoint design. The thinking tools and practical skills in aspects of visualization are also an important part of what makes an excellent report in the workplace.


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Dr. Xin Bi, Director of Centre for Knowledge and Information, shared his expertise on the topic of Emotion and Stress Management 情绪和压力管理. He first summarized the characteristics and functions of emotions through analysis of everyday examples, then elaborated on one special kind of emotion, pressure. Under the topic, Dr. Xin Bi presented a three-phase model of pressure, relevant classic experiments, as well as strategies and methods to cope with pressure.

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Fengshi Shen, Information Security Officer of Management Information Technology and System Office, has provided practical skills to staff on How to Improve Information Security Awareness保护你的信息安全. To establish "firewalls" defending information security, the speaker delivered essential abilities for audiences to protect their personal information.

Tamara Kaup, International Content Manager and Patricia Pieterse, Senior English Writer and Editor of UMC, explained to the audience on the topic of How to Tell Your Research Story 如何讲好你的研究“故事”. Targeting to academic staff who need to explain their research in different situations, this hands-on workshop equipped the participants with detailed instructions on telling the research stories orally or in writing. 

Shicheng Wang, Museum Development Officer of Museum, shared her professional insights on Sustainable Development of Cultural Heritage 文化遗产可持续发展. Cultural heritages are precious legacy long history left to humanity. Historical monuments, archaeological sites, architectural complexes…, through these heritages thousand years of human history can vividly be seen. It’s everyone’s duty to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and contribute to their sustainable development.

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Written Business Communication Workshop 商务英语书面沟通 has been conducted on 26th November 2021, as part of the Training Calendar AY2021-2022. During this training session, participants focused on creating a sense of "two-way communication" to reach the rational and emotional consensus in the "one-way communication" email is required in a variety of working scenarios.


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Staff Training – Document Writing 公文写作 is a dedicated designed course delivered by Ms. Jingfeng Chu, Deputy Head of President's Office on 19th November 2021. Through specific and straightforward case studies, Ms. Jingfeng Chu helped participants understand the proper formatting of official documents and provided them with the correct guidelines and tips to write concise and efficient documents



Staff Training - Structured Thinking: Problem Analysis and Solving 结构化思维之问题分析与决策 conducted on 12th November 2021, was a course to help the participants organize thoughts efficiently, enhance problem analysis capabilities, and find effective solutions. During the training, participants obtained skills of examining their common thinking habits and pitfalls in problem-solving.

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Staff Training – Get Support Where It Matters 获取关键支持 on 5th November 2021 was a training focused on the theme of stakeholder management, which requires careful planning, execution, and control.  Regardless if stakeholders are internal or external, success will depend on the ability to gain support from the right individuals and to navigate the process.

Throughout the experience sharing and an interactive simulation, participants obtained skills and tools to build a broad support base and gain support from key stakeholders by sharing experiences, applying theoretical models, and deepening their understanding of stakeholders’ needs.


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Staff First Aid Training 员工急救培训 has been organised on 3rd November 2021, to help participants obtain timely and effective treatment to maximize the time available for resuscitation when facing accidental injuries. Cooperating with Health and Safety Affairs Office, there was one English session and one Chinese for this training, aiming to help more staff understand the importance and procedures of first aid. Ms. Sixian Cheng, Deputy Director of HSAO and Ms. Yan Jin, Public Health Manager mainly introduced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and haemostasis in this training, as well as other emergency treatments for choking, heart attack, and fainting.




AoFE: Tab Betts
ASO: Qianwen Huang, Tianqi Ma
DES: Jingjing Sheng, Xinyu Shen, Yijun Zhao
HR: Juan Chen, Wenyu Pu
HSS: Dawei Wei
IBSS: Lan Yi, Sihua Wang, Wen Jing
ILEAD: Zhexian Song
LM: Zhijiao Xu
LTMO: Hui Wang
MITS: Junfeng Shi, Wenlong Yan
SAO: Wenjuan Gui
SAT: Chee Shen Lim, Nanlin Jin, Ye Wu, Yongkang Gong
SCI: Yiqian Shi
SoL: Ke Wang, Wenyuan YU
Taicang: Christopher Williams, Jingxin Liu, Linzhen Chai, Michele Chew
XGS: Zhihui Jiang


Greeting New Staff,

Welcome to XJTLU, we hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these troublesome times. This email provides induction materials and information to help you understand our campus and the University. You may log in with XJTLU account to watch the videos and read through all slides. Should you have any questions, please kindly raise here or address them to the University Functions listed below. All questions will be reviewed and answered by experts from the associated department.



Messages from Senior Management Team

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During the New Staff Induction, members of the Senior Management Team have expressed their warm welcome to our new staff and given a general overview of the University. Please check out the welcome messages for XJTLU new staff from members of SMT as below.



New Staff Induction Speech and Slides

New Staff Induction is generally conducted at the beginning of each semester to assist new staff to settle into the workplace. It covers General Session for all new staff and Academic Session for new academic staff specific in learning and teaching. Before the formal induction, new staff may also refer to the Pre-reading materials on New Staff Induction Page to obtain a better understanding of the University Functions and their services. Please kindly view the video recordings of the New Staff Induction AY2021-2022, Semester 1 as follows.





    General Session

    Academic Session

Please login here with your XJTLU account to view more videos and slides.



Human Resources Related Guidance

We hereby provide new staff with some quick channels to the University management rules and regulations, as well as some guidance on your work and life in XJTLU.

open-book.png Staff Handbook
timetable.png University Academic Calendar
pay-day.png Payroll Processing Schedule
tax.png.1 Tax Rate (Individual Income Tax)
search.png.1 Online Health Insurance Seminar, Claim Form
idea (1).png Living in China (for Expat Staff) 




Useful Contact Information for New Staff

If you have any questions, please use the contact information provided below. You may also access the digital resources shared with staff members via BOX (XJTLU Campus Cloud Storage System), which provides unified and centralized storage by meeting various storage needs across campus.



Contact Information

Online Function Resources (BOX)

Human Resources Office


Campus Management Office


Finance Office


Management Information Technology and System Office

MITS for Staff

Health and Safety Affairs Office


University Marketing and Communications


Academic Services Office




Meeting with University Centre Services - Bi-semestral New Staff Induction

We hereby invite new staff who onboard this semester to meet with University Centre Services on the Bi-semestral New Staff Induction on Friday, 17th December 2021, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM.

In this event, you will be able to meet with representatives from key services of four University Centres, Centre for Academic Affairs (CAA), Centre for Administrative Affairs (CAD), Centre for Knowledge and Information (CKI) and Centre for Students Affairs (CSA), and networking with colleagues from different departments. Due to pandemic prevention control, following relevant instructions, we will be inviting staff who registered successfully through the link below.

Should you have queries about the registration, please contact us at



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